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Shelter Kittens

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I just found out today that the shelter lost one of the abandoned kittens. I pitched the idea for a crocheted replica of a mama cat with baby bottles sticking out of the belly to help these poor little creatures and they loved it! But the problem is, I don't know how to make one!!! Help. I just know how to follow a pattern not make one up. So, if any one has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it. One of the reasons why I am an advocate for abandoned kittens is at my blog. Please feel free to read it. Thank you :hook



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Sounds odd, but about a hat that uses single crochet for most of the pattern except when you get closer to where the head goes you can use triple crochets for a row to let the nipples of the bottles stick out, then inside the hat stuff the bottles through the holes and on top some old towels and at the top edge put a drawstring to close it, then lay it down so they can drink.

I never tested it, so I hope it may spark an idea for you.


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I think that is a great idea.


The kittens won't care if it is cat shape or not. What they need is warmth and food. No crocheted cat is going feel/smell like their mom.

If you want to make it cute, you can always add cat ears to it. Good luck with it:) If you are stuck for a hat pattern there is the Basic Hat in Original patterns. Nice and quick.

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Maybe even buy a stuffed cat( or some kind of animal) and take out some of the stuffing and put in the bottles. Yard sale and flea markets would be a good place. If your house is like mine I am sure there is a stuffed animal or two laying around that some one would gladly give to you for the kittens.:)

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