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I was reading the wikipedia page on crochet because I was curious how long it had been around. They mentioned another form of making fabric from yarn called Nålebinding. Do any of you do it? If so, how did you learn?

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Nålebinding resembles knitting, not crochet. I've read that a number of ancient textiles were mistakenly labeled knitting until further investigation revealed them as nålebinding. No, I've never done it, but people who study it say one way they can tell the difference is that it is made with short lengths of yarn/thread rather than a single long length. I believe it is done with a needle, possibly threaded like you might thread for sewing, but don't quote me on that. Apparently it is stretchy like knitting and seems to have pre-dated it.


A magazine I have says it is pronounced nawl-binding, in case you wondered like I did.


I found some nålebinding instructions. If you Google for nålebinding you will get several other links, too.

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Carla is correct...it resembles knitting more than it does crochet. It uses a bone or wooden "needle" and your fingers.


I used to know how to do it and knew a few people who did as well, but I'm no longer active in the SCA.


Knitting is a lot easier! lol!

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