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Horse Purse - Ultimate Cowgirl Edition


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Thank you MainelyCrafty, for posting the link to the pattern! I'm having major computer issues, and am lucky if this post will go through!


Thanks all, for all you comments. I'm addicted to these little horse purses. Being a former horse "crazy" little girl, and now a horse crazy mom, it's the perfect project for me! Plus, I happen to know many, many, horse crazy little girls (and other moms) that these make the perfect gifts for!


I'm finishing up horse purse (I call them pony purses) number 3, for a little girl in TN, and have my eye on pony purse number 4! The colors will be lavendar with a pink mane and tail. She'll have pink rhinestone "dapples" on her rump, and a beaded saddle. :) She'll be on her way to IN for a very special girl, for Christmas...


Somebody stop me! (No... Don't!) ;)

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