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I'm still here!

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I really did not fall off of the face of the earth! :lol Things have just been really crazy.


Let's see:


DH had his VAX-D treatments for his back, and he is doing a lot better.


I've been swamped with canning produce from my garden, and produce that we got very cheaply. I'm down to a bushel of apples and then I'm done. I've done apple pie filling, applesauce, apple butter, pears, green beans, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, grapes. Now I have juice/peels in the freezer for grape jelly, apple jelly, and peach jelly, which I will make at my leisure.


My work has been crazy, as usual, but now that canning season is coming to a close, that should settle down, as well.


We finished the chicken coop except for closing in the gaps at the top (turned old storage building into coop). I now have 5 of my pullets (young hens) laying out of the 12 that are old enough, and I have another 17 that should start laying very soon.


We finally got the mess from the old fallen down woodshed cleaned up.


DH now has a tractor. As soon as he finishes welding the bush hog, we will be putting the garden to bed for the winter.


My van was overheating, so we had to park it for a while. Then last Wednesday, we hit a deer on the way home from church. Thank goodness we were on the back country roads and not going very fast. It only busted the grill and headlight on the driver's side. Of course, the deer got up and walked off. So, we now have the parts to fix it, but DH has not had time. He did fix my van over the weekend, but now we have to get new headlights for it. They are the original headlights and the plastic lenses are now opaque in color instead of clear, which makes it very hard to see at night.


The kids are back in public school this year and doing very well. We homeschooled for a couple of years.


As for crocheting, I did finally get the afghan done that a lady had paid me for. It turned out beautifully, and she was very pleased. Now, I'm trying to get some 6" squares and some fan ornaments done for a couple of swaps that I'm involved in.



Whew! No wonder I've not had much online time! :eek It sounds even worse when I put it down into words! :lol I am going to try to check in more often, even if it's just reading. Things should be calming down a bit soon now that cooler weather is here. Even though we do have holidays coming up, they won't be too bad.


OK - off to catch up a bit!

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Wow I'm exhauted just reading this post! lol


Just one question though...Can I be your friend? :U


I know you're busy and its probably not fun but all your canning and etc sounds like so much fun to me. I wish I had someone to teach me. Unfortunately my grandmother doesn't seem to have the time to do it. And she doesn't understand why I would want to. I'm a great helper, really I am. :D


I'm glad everyone is doing okay and that you weren't hurt when you hit the deer. Those darn things always seem to jump out in front of me.

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Thanks, ladies! :hug


Just one question though...Can I be your friend? :U


I know you're busy and its probably not fun but all your canning and etc sounds like so much fun to me. I wish I had someone to teach me. Unfortunately my grandmother doesn't seem to have the time to do it. And she doesn't understand why I would want to. I'm a great helper, really I am. :D


Where do you live? I wouldn't mind at all teaching you! I'm actually a self taught canner. My mother and grandmothers never took the time to teach me, so I finally took it upon myself to learn. I follow the Ball Canning Book religously. The only thing I can that is not in the book is apple pie filling. The recipe was given to me by a friend a few years ago, and I have been using it ever since w/o any problems or spoilage. The only recipe that Ball has is freezing, and I like to save my freezer space for meats and future meals.


People think I'm weird, but I LOVE canning!! :yes I love seeing all my hard work lined up on the shelves, and then enjoying the bounty come winter. I also love knowing what I am feeding my family. To me, all the hard work is well worth it!

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Hi Steph!


You have been quite busy! Canning sounds fascinating, I should look into that!


I'm guessing you have farm land? That is something hubby and I dream to do in the future. I would love to walk out of my house and fetch some fresh eggs for breakfast!


:hugGlad that you are doing well!!

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Unfortunately I live in Oklahoma so its a pretty good distance. I love the look and of course taste of home canned items. I am going to have to get that book I suppose and teach myself as well.


I too like the idea of knowing exactly what is in the food your family is eating. Especially with my daughter.

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Oh! I'm sorry you live so far away because I would love to teach you! Canning with someone is more fun than doing it by yourself, even though I don't mind doing by myself. You can definitely teach yourself. Just remember to follow the directions of your canner. That is the most important rule.





Well ladies, it looks like I will get some time to crochet this weekend while DH and I childless. My parents are going to take the kids for the next 3 nights, so that will be a nice break. I sure will miss them, but they will have a blast with their grandparents.

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