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Yarn troubles, any advice appreciated

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So... recently some of you may have seen my topic about the Malabrigo yarn I was sent. I was wondering what to make. To make a long story as short as possible: All of my yarn stash is of Red Heart already pre-wrapped and wound up, basically ready for use as I am sure you all know. The malabrigo was not however and my daughter didn't know. She was pretending she was crocheting and that yarn was soft so she wanted to play with it :manyheart (Basically all she did was take the string off of it that was tied around the yarn to hold it together and used it as a bracelet of sorts). Before I knew it cute had turned into disaster and now my yarn is all tangled up :eek. Any advice on how to untangle such a precious commodity in the yarn world? I REALLY want it to be useable so that I can make the scarf I was going to. Thank you in advance.

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Unfortunatly I don't think there is any easy way to untangle a hank of yarn. If at all possible find one end and start there. Your Malabrigo is 100% wool? Try not to cut it....but if you have to, you can always use a felted join (scroll down about half way) to splice it back together.


Maybe someone else will have better advice!?!?!?

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I know nothing about wool or malabringo yarn, but I know from experience that the only to "unmess" a mess is time and :( patience..sorry this isn't much help..

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The only suggestion I can offer is: lots of time and patience. It's definitely possible to salvage the yarn, but it will be a lot of work. And yes, Malabrigo is most definitely worth as much work as it takes to detangle it!


Keep messing with it until you find an end, and then just work on rolling it up into a ball as you slowly untangle it.


I have fallen in love with Malabrigo Silky Wool---50% wool, 50% silk. This stuff is fabulous. If I had nothing but Malabrigo to crochet with ever again, I could be happy! Of course, my pocketbook wouldn't be happy, so what I'd really want is an unlimited stash of FREE Malabrigo!!

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When you have bad tangles, don't think small and tight, but big and loose. Make a large space on the table, couch or floor. Sit down with the skein and shake it relatively hard. It's not going to make it worse. As areas come loose you pull them out and away as far as you can ~ your full armlength if you can. This is going to help you because it gives you a lot of space to see what is going on with all the strands. Just keep shaking and pulling areas out. Lay them down in a big circle and see what you've got.


This will now be much easier to work with. You can loosen up the really tight spots much better. Once you can start a small ball, you'll be able to move it around and through clumps of strands easily.

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You guys rock! Thank you so much. I will definately take all this advice and let you know how it goes!!!


LOL AmyS, you aren't kidding I am in love. It is so soft, so rich with color and really ...let me stress this again... REALLY easy to work up. I could live off it. At 10 bucks a skein for the worsted though...my husband would hang me by my toes with the yarn!

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