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what to make now what to make??????????

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Ok so I just finished several time consuming projects and don't know what I want to start on now. My dilema is this................ I want to make me a cute shirt to wear when hubby gets home in 3 weeks or so but all that I know about this is that I want to make it no pattern or anything picked out. So not very helpful there I know.


need to make stuff Ma asked me to make for a baby (dress and blanket) but this stuff isn't "due" til Aug. But I don't want to feel rushed on that cause blankets drive me NUTS just cause they are the same old thing over adn over again.


And then I need to make a pillowcase doll for a friend by July.......... these are time consuming.


And I have one thing that needs like 3 more rows on it to be complete. I know I will do that in the next few days cause it is drivin me nuts cause I am SO close to finish.


And from my projects that just gont done I think I just really want to make a nononsense something that is quick and brainless. Cause my brain is fried just this moment. Can I just comission all of you to make these things for me?????????? :rofl :rofl :rofl


Oh and I really really want to finish this embriodery table cloth for my brother and sister in law for Christmas. The colors are perfect for thier home. And I am about half way done with that.

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Gosh, your note brought back memories of when dh was in the navy and I was getting ready for him to come home from a deployment. Everything had to be just so and I would take the boys and myself out and get our haircut and something nice to wear to greet him in on the pier. Everything had to be neat and clean at home, the car had to be spic and span and the yard work done. Anyway what I was trying to say (in my loooooong winded way) take it easy on yourself and maybe save making a wearable for later on. Enjoy the reunion with hubby!

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