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Translating flat stitches into rounds



I am making a hat and want to incorporate a "fancy" stitch-- my first foray into something other than SC and DC. The stitch is the "Palm Leaves" one that is #46 in the 63-square afghan book.


Row 2's directions label it as "right side." Since I'm doing it in a hat in rounds, I won't be turning it and will always have the right side facing me. Will that matter? Should I turn it even though it's in rounds to make it look right?

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You can do turns on a hat. I have and it is fine. It just depends on the pattern that you have and yours sounds like you have to turn. Just remember which is your 'right' side. I say go for it and see how it looks.


Don't forget to share a :camera

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Using multiple stitches in the round you have a couple options.


If a multiple st pattern has so many sts, PLUS so many chs, you may need to eliminate the plus sts.


You can also join the rounds with a sl st, and either ch, work the next round, or turn, and work in the opposite direction(looks more the a straight piece).



That's how some hats are made......especially cloches.



Give it a try.:sb





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I have had to put the hat on hold because my life suddenly became very busy-- but I tried the stitch flat so I could get a feel of what it is supposed to do. I think I don't need to turn it, but I am going to watch where everything ends up. Doing it flat was a big help, because now I know where the stitches should go. I'll do a pic, if I ever get it done!

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