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Spring Swing Four Year Old Set


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Spring Swing (Four Year)

by Michelle Bogart



Bernat Softee Baby: 2-3 (I'm pretty sure its 2, but just in case) skeins Funny Print

1 skein Bongo Blue

Sm (less than an oz) Amt White

F and G crochet hooks

small bead for bunny eye (optional, leave this out if its made smaller for a younger child)

yarn needle

1/4 to 1/2" wide pkg of elastic

(2) 1/2" buttons

measuring tape




Joining a long chain is much easier if you leave a longer tail when you make your foundation chain and join after you have made at least one other row. Use the tail to sew up the small gap left. Thank Darski for that tip!


Rounds are joined, rows are not



Do not turn unless you are told to



Working in the back ridge of the foundation chain eliminates the gap left by stitching in the free loops



I work very very tightly, you may need bigger hooks-I will include measurements so you can add or subtract rows as needed


Stitches Used:

Chain (ch), Single Crochet (sc), Double Crochet (dc), Frontpost Double Crochet (fpdc), Backpost Double Crochet (bpdc),

Cluster (Cl), Decrease (dec), Extended Single Crochet (ext sc), Slip Stitch (sl st) [usually used for joining rounds]


Special Stitches:

Front Post Double Crochet (fpdc): Instructions: yo, insert hook behind post of stitch (from front to back), yo, pull through, bring up even with last stitch completed, yo, pull through 2 loops, (2 loops on hook), yo, pull through rem 2 lps to complete stitch


Back Post Double Crochet (bpdc): Insert hook on the back of the row on the right side of the post and wrap your hook around the post of the dc from the right to the left and comlete as you would a normal double crochet.


Cluster (cl): * Yarn over, insert hook in next stitch, yarn over, draw yarn through the stitch, yarn over, draw through 2 loops on hook *, repeat from * to * 3 times. Yarn over, draw yarn through 5 loops on hook.


Extended Single Crochet: Insert hook in designated st or row, pull up lp, yo, pull through 1 lp on hook, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook.



Size: Four


Measurements: Bodice: Chest-24"

Skirt: waistband-22.5" (elastic makes it adjust)


Spring Swing Four Year Old Bodice and Skirt Set




worked from the bottom up in rounds to armholes:


With G and Funny Print, ch 99. The entire bodice is worked with G.


Rnd 1: Working in the back ridge, sc in 2nd ch from the hook and each ch across to the end. Join to the first sc, being careful not to twist the chain. (98 scs)


Rnd 2: Ch 3 {counts as first dc now and throughout}, dc in each sc around. Join to the top of the Ch 3.


Rnd 3: Ch 3, turn, bpdc around next dc {always skip the dc behind a post stitch unless the directions say otherwise} (dc in the next dc, bpdc around the next dc) around. Join.


Rnd 4: Ch 3, turn, fpdc around next bpdc (dc in the next dc, fpdc around the next bpdc)around. Join.


Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc in same st (sk one st, 2 dc's in the next) around. Join.


Rnd 6-21: Sl st in the dc by the ch 3 and space BETWEEN next 2 dc's. Ch 3, dc in the same space. (sk the next 2 dc's, 2 dc's in each space before the next set of dc's) around.


At this point measure your piece. If you have at least six inches from the beginning, then you need to fasten off Funny Print. Repeat the 2dc rows as much as you need or want.


Rnd 22: Fasten on White in the last join with a sl st, ch 1, then sc in each dc around. Join to the first sc. (98 sc)


Rnd 23: Ch 3, make a 3 dc cl in same stitch, ch 2. (sk next 2 scs, cl in the next, ch 2) around. Join to cl, not ch 3.


Rnd 24: Ch 1, turn, sc around each ch and in each cl around. Join to first sc and fasten off White. (98 sc)


From now on you are working in rows


Shape Armholes and neck-Back Bodice, Left Side


Row 1: Fasten on Blue in the sc to the LEFT of the last join (the skipped join will be your buttonhole rows later), ch 2 (first ext sc now and throughout), ext sc in the next 19 stitches. (20 ext sc)


Row 2-9: Ch 2, turn, ext sc across. Fasten off Blue after the last row.


Row 10: Fasten on Funny Print, ch 3, dc across. (20 dc)


Row 11-16: Ch 3, turn, dc across.


You should now have 5" from the armhole. If so, you can start the next rows. If not, work as many more dc rows as you need.


Neck -Back Bodice, Left Side


Row 1: Ch 3, turn, dc in the next 11 stitches. (12 dc)


Row 2: Ch 3, turn, dc dec over the next 2 dcs, dc in the next 9 st. (11 dc)


Fasten off and weave in ends.


Shape Armholes and neck-Back Bodice, Right Side

Row 1: Starting with the sc to the RIGHT of the join, count 20 stitches to your right. Fasten on Blue at the 20th stitch. Ch 2, ext sc in the other 19 st. (20 ext sc)


Row 2-9: Ch 2, turn, ext sc across. Fasten off Blue after the last row.


Row 10: Fasten on Funny Print, ch 3, dc in each ext sc across. (20 dc)


Row 11-16: Ch 3, turn, dc across.


You should now have 5" from the armhole. If so, you can start the next rows. If not, work as many more dc rows as you need but no more than you worked for the first side!


Neck -Back Bodice, Right Side


Row 1: Ch 3, turn, dc in next 11 stitches. (12 dc)


Row 2: Ch 3, turn, dec over next two dc's, dc in next 9 stitches. (11 dc)

Fasten off and weave in ends.


Shape Armholes and neck-Front Bodice

Skip the first eight stitches after the left back bodice


Row 1: Fasten on Blue in the ninth st, ch 2, ext sc in the next 40 st (41 ext sc)


Row 2-9: Ch 2, turn, ext sc in each st across. Fasten off Blue after the last row.


Row 10: Ch 3, turn, dc in each ext sc across. (41 dc)


Row 11-14: Ch 3, turn, dc across.


If you added dc rows for the back, add the same amount here minus ONE row.


Neck-Front Bodice, Right Side

Row 1: Ch 3, turn, dc in the next 12 stitches. (13 dc)


Row 2: Ch 3, turn, dec over the next 2 dc's, dc in the next 10 st. (12 dc)


Row 3: Ch 3, turn, dc in the next 9 st, hdc in the last (helps with shaping). (11 dc) Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing the shoulder seams.


Neck-Front Bodice, Left Side

Row 1: Fasten on Funny Print in the first st on the opposite side of the right neck shaping. Ch 3, then dc in the next 12 st. (13 dc)


Row 2: Ch 3, turn, dec over next 2 dc's, dc in the next 10 st. (12 dc)


Row 3: Ch 3, turn, dc in the next 9 st, hdc in the last. (11 dc) Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing the shoulder seams.



Turn garment inside out and whipstitch the shoulders. Weave in all ends.


Neck/Button Row Trim:

Starting from the first row of the right back with Blue, fasten on, ch 1 and space 26 sc's evenly along the edge, ch 1 when you get

the to the neck, and continue around the neck in sc until you reach the the end of the left back neck. Do not continue down the

back. Fasten off and weave in ends.


Armhole Trim:

Row 1: Fasten on Blue in the side of the first row of the back (at the waist), one sc in the side of each ext sc and the join (at the shoulders), 2 scs in the side of each dc. Sl st in the first sc.


Row 2: Do not turn, ch 3, now dc in each sc around. Sl st in the top of the ch 3 and fasten off Blue.


Row 3: Fasten on Funny Print at the top of the ch 3, dc in the same stitch (2 dcs's in each dc) around. Fasten off and weave in ends.


Repeat for second armhole.


Buttonhole Rows:

Row 1: Fasten on Blue in the side of the first row at left back (at the waist), ch 1 and space 26 sc to the neck.


Row 2: Ch 1, turn, sc in the first 2 scs, ch 1 , sk next sc (buttonhole), sc in the next 13 scs, ch 1, sk next sc (buttonhole), sc to the end. Fasten off and weave in ends.


Row 3: Fasten Blue to the bottom of R1. Ch 1, sc in the bottom of R1 and R2, ch 1, one sc in each sc, 2 scs in each chain across. Ch 1 then sc across the top of R1 and R2. Sl st in the first sc of the neck trim. Fasten off and weave in ends.


If you crochet loosely, only put one sc in each chain across.


Waist trim:

Fasten on Blue in any stitch at the bottom of the bodice, ch 1, then sc around. Fasten off and weave in ends.



Sew the buttons to the right back, overlapping the buttonhole strip. Decorate as desired.



-to extend the length of the skirt without losing the look, evenly add rows of Funny Print. For example, I use five rows in between the blue so you should make it six or seven, etc. Just remember you need to add the same amount each time.


worked from the waist down in rounds

Using your "G" hook and Blue, ch 127


Rnd 1: Working in the back ridge, sc in the 2nd ch from the hook and each ch across. Join to the first sc, being careful not to twist the chain. (126 sc)


Rnd 2: Ch 2 (counts as first st throughout), turn, ext sc around. Join to the top of ch 2.


Rnd 3-9: Ch 2, turn, ext sc around. Join.


Rnd 10: Ch 1, turn, sc around. Join to the first sc and fasten off Blue.

use the "F" hook from now until the end of the skirt


Rnd 11: Fasten on Funny Print in last join, ch 3 (counts as first st throughout), dc around. Join to the top of the ch 3.


Rnd 12-15: Ch 3, turn, dc around. Join Fasten off Funny Print after the last row.


Rnd 16: Fasten on Blue in last join, [ch 3, dc, ch 1] in same stitch. (sk next dc, 2 dc's, ch 1 in next) around. Join.


Rnd 17: Sl st in next dc and ch 1 space; ch 3, dc in ch 1 space (sk next 2 dc's, 2 dc in ch 1 space) around. Join to top of ch 3 and fasten off Blue.


Rnd 18: Fasten on Funny Print in last join, ch 3, dc in each dc and the space between each set of 2 dc's. Join.


Rnd 19-22: Ch 3, turn, dc around. Join. Fasten off Funny Print.


Rnd 23: Fasten on Blue in last join, ch 1, sc around. Join to first sc and fasten off Blue.


Rnd 24: Fasten on Funny Print in last join, ch 3, dc around. Join to the top of ch 3.


Rnd 25-28: Ch 3, turn, dc around. Join and fasten off Funny Print.


Rnd 29: Fasten on Blue in last join, ch 3, dc in same st (sk next dc, 2 dc's in next st) around. Join.


Rnd 30: Sl st in next dc and space before the next set of 2 dc's. Ch 3, dc in same space. (sk next two dc's, 2 dc in space between) around. Join and fasten off Blue.


Rnd 31: Fasten on Funny Print in last join. Ch 3. Dc in each dc and space before each set of 2 dc's around. Join.


Rnd 32-34: Ch 3, turn, dc around. Join.


Rnd 35: Ch 3, turn, dc in same st. 2 dc's in each dc around. Join to top of ch 3 and fasten off. Weave in ends.


Waistband (rs)

Using your "G" hook, fasten on Blue in any st at the waist. Ch 3, dc in the back loop (aids considerably in folding for the elastic) of each st around. Join to Ch 3 and fasten off, leaving about a 3 ft tail for sewing. If you have used elastic wider than 1/4" you will have to add rows in order to be able to cover the elastic. Make sure there is about a quarter inch between the elastic and your sewing to avoid the elastic rolling. Be careful not to sew through the elastic!



Cut your elastic one inch longer than desired size. Overlap each end 1/2" and sew securely. Fold your dc row to the inside over the elastic and sew around with your long tail.




This has not been tested, please let me know if you have any problems!



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I guess I can't do this w/o modifying the pattern somewhat. I've always been told I crochet a little tight, but it must be nothing compared to you. LOL. I did the first 7 rows once with the recommended G hook and it probably would have fit my own waist. So I tore it out and tried crocheting as tight as I could with an F and it still had an extra 6 inches. LOL. Can you tell me if I can start with a lower number chain? And if so, should it be in a multiple of a specific number...if that makes sense? I'm mainly trying the skirt.

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I guess I can't do this w/o modifying the pattern somewhat. I've always been told I crochet a little tight, but it must be nothing compared to you. LOL. I did the first 7 rows once with the recommended G hook and it probably would have fit my own waist. So I tore it out and tried crocheting as tight as I could with an F and it still had an extra 6 inches. LOL. Can you tell me if I can start with a lower number chain? And if so, should it be in a multiple of a specific number...if that makes sense? I'm mainly trying the skirt.


OMG, this is such an old pattern now. lol I hope you can do this though because I have never seen anyone try it. I am pretty sure that if you just start the chain with an odd number (so you end up with an even number at the first stitches) then the rest will be okay. I'm crossing my fingers. :)

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