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Does anyone else have this problem???

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*raises hand* If I have less than half a dozen things going at a time, I feel a little lost. :lol I think with me it's that I need something to work on for every mood. I find, too, that I'm actually better about getting the big projects done if I'm completing smaller things along the way. Sort of like proof that things *can* be finished! :lol Or maybe it's just that the breaks keep me from getting bored. If it works... :hook


I'm the same way! I just started a new one that is a lot of smaller parts all joined together so hopefully that keeps my attention long enough to finish it without other mini projects.

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So I am totally in the same boat!! After my boys saw the first afghan I finished, they both wanted one so that's 2 projects. Finally started on a sweater that I've been DYING to make....that's 3 projects. My BF is going thru a real rough time right now and asked if I could make her a blanket just so she could feel comforted and know someone loves her...no problem (that makes 4!) And I want to make an afghan for my grandmother for christmas (hmmmm haven't started yet, but its floating around so that makes 5!!) :eek Oh well! That's why we all have our awesome Crochetville friends to help and encourage us (to buy more yarn and start new projects!! :lol)

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I like trying out new patterns, but I get bored with the same stitch or color, so I jump to the next project. Most of what I start I finish, eventually. Seems that when I get to a certain point, I just keep going until it's done. I just can't seem to concentrate on one thing entirely, have to have some variety. I've been known to work on 3 different projects in the same couple hours while watching a movie.

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I find myself jumping from one project to the other without really getting anything done. I think I need an intervention....LOL


I sign up for swaps, I am part of the Charity Blitz, I offer to send squares for Comfortghans, I am working on baby blankets/hats/scarves/etc for my own charity...all at the same time.



I call it Crochet ADD..I have many WIPs in many sizes yarn thread chunky tiny thread so when my hands start to hurt or i get bored i move on to another project. I have two projects downstairs by the couch one at teh computer and two by the bed. I have one or two for the car with lighted hooks and a simple repeat pattern usually dishcloths. It helps me stay calm and keeps my hands busy so I don't eat my self to death. and now that i am unemployed i thin i am going to be even worse. My name is Chrissy and I am addicted to crochet

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