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Awesome Skull Chart


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This isn't my pattern but I thought I would post it so ya'll could test it out along with me. Skull Chart. For every square, I am doing 4dc. I have added 8dc (2 squares) to the beggining and ending of each row and I have added 3 rows to the top and bottom. For the color change, I am just doing it normally with a lot of ends to weave in. If someone has a suggestion on how to make this easier (like carrying the yarn through somehow) feel free to let me know how. I'll post a pic here when I'm done. My hubby is super excited over this one. :cheerHe even called his mom to brag to her that I'm making him one. Hehehe.:hook

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That one has been on my to do list for a while...I can't wait to see it when you are done! My husband would do backflips over it. I saw a picture of a huge afghan someone had done with it and it looked just amazing. I am sure yours will be amazing too!!

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