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asking for some help


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November 18th the doctor gave my cousin joe(37) 7 to 14 days to live unless he gets a heart. he hasnt gotten a match yet. My aunt cant afford to go to see him often about once a week. she cant afford it, she would like to be able to stay in a motel for a few day at a time but she doesnt have the funds. we are trying to start a collection and i was wondering if there was a way we could ask for your help? we're desperate. we want to have a bake sale/ craft sale because we know no one will want to send money. we are going to ask our church if we could do it there. if you have anything you would like to donate to help raise money please reply.

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Suggestion: Call the hospital and get in contact with a patient liaison to see if they can help. If that doesn't work, contact some of the local hotels yourself. A lot of times the hotels in the area will donate a room for needs such as this. Also a "Ronald McDonald House" in the area might be able to help.


Best wishes.


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