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how to make an exact measurement square



I need to make an 18" square. I've never made squares before to an exact measurement. I chained until it was 18". I did 2 rows and now it's 20" long. What happened? I have perfect tension so I know it's not too tight or too loose.


Am I supposed to make the chain 16" and then when I work it up, it will be 18"?


Any help would be appreciated.

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1 answer to this question

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You can't rely on chain measurements for gauge. Stitches almost always shorten the foundation chain.

Make a sample starting with a chain six or more inches long, then use your pattern stitch for at least five rows, more is better. Usually you use a 4'' gauge measurement, but since your target length is 18'', just divide by four to get 4.5''. Take a ruler and measure the swatch (near the top-middle), how many stitches were in 4.5''. Then, multiply this number by four and you get your starting chain (remember to add for starting chs, for example if you are using sc add 1 ch, to this number).

If you really don't want to go through the math for another project without a pattern, you'll just have to keep trying a few rows with different lengths of chains to get the right length.

Another thing you could do is make a square in the round. Especially if you make this square in sc, you can get it almost perfectly 18'' and you don't need to make a gauge swatch. Just stop when you reach 18''. Good luck!

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