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lost in the desert



I am lost in the desert with out water and ready to give up on my project that is. I don't understand what it means don't joins the rounds when it seems to be going in a round. It is supposed to be a leg. This is what it says ch 21,join,ch1,sc in ea ch st around(do no6t join rnds) for 19 rnds. can anyone help me? I am still new to this crochet thing. thanks, britt:think

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4 answers to this question

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Chain 21 and join to the first chain with a slip stitch. Then chain 1. Sc in each of the 21 chains. When you get back to the first sc, just keep sc around and around the circle. Imagine a continuous spiral (like a slinky). By marking the first sc, you'll know when you've completed a round when you come around to it again. Keep going until you have 19 rows/rounds of sc.


Hope that helps!

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There are two ways to crochet "in the round" or to make a circle:

1. To crochet a round (row), then when you get back to the first stitch of your round/row, join (sl st) into the 1st stitch, chain to go up to the next round/row and then stitch all around again. This method is when you join, or sl st, each round/row together and has straight rows--easier to count but your get a not-always-pretty join spot on each round/row.

2. The 2nd way to crochet in the round is that on a round, when you get back to your 1st st in that round, just crochet into it and keep going--don't sl st and then ch to go up. This method makes a spiral all the way and is pretty--there's no join spot, but it's harder to count rounds/rows and there's no even top--it's sorta slanted when you end.


Does that make any sense? Your pattern wants you to do method #2--when most toy/stuffy patterns ask for.

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