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I'm making a tetris blanket for my friend. So far, I'm acutally rather happy about it. It's been a rather touch and go project because I can only make so many little squares without my hands getting tired or myself getting bored with it. Hence why I'm still working on it even though the CAL is gone! :lol However, I am finally piecing some of it together. Mind you, this is much less scary than I thought it would be since I've never pieced anything together and far easier than I imagined! However.... that's off the subject. I just realized I messed up two squares. All that work that went into sewing them together and I look at the pattern and BAM! I did a blue instead of a red. Part of me just wants to leave it since I think it won't be terribly noticeable but part of me also wants to fix it since I take a lot of pride in what I work on and it's for a dear dear friend of mine and I want it to be right. I called him up to see his opinion on it. Figured I'd ask if he minded two tetris squares being the wrong colors, like maybe a video game glitch! AT least, that's how I described it to him in the voice mail. Hopefully, he'll get back to me soon so I can hear his opinion and then decide for myself what I want to do. Just.... so much work....

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If you notice it that much you won't be happy with the blanket no matter how he likes it. It will stick out like a sore thumb to you every time you see the ghan.

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Actually, the mistake doesn't bother me terribly. The blanket will still look rather good even with those two pieces a bit messed up. I suppose I should still fix it anyway because of the pattern but I also think that at least this way it will be extremely unique and unlike any other ones ever!



Edit: Well... the mistake doesn't really bother me. Mostly doesn't. however, I honestly can't sleep until I hear back from my friend about it. Ok.... maybe it does bother me a little. But taking the seam apart. All that lost work. :(

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I don't know. That might work. I wouldn't be so upset if I had my sewing kit with me with my stitch ripper since i wouldn't be taking a huge pair of scissors to just work.

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Do you have a pic of it? When you play tetris, the colors all get mixed up depending on how they fall anyways. I think it will be a big hit anyways. We always worry until we know that the recipient loves it anyways.

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