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Lost my favorite hook!


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Hi all,


I intended to take a picture of my favorite crochet hook and post it on here to see if anyone knew what brand it was, but now I've done gone and lost it during my move from AZ to NH. I'm so sad. I hope it will turn up somewhere miraculously.


It was a pink size G aluminum hook. Very normal looking. It said "G-6" on one side and "Made in Mexico" on the other. There was no brand name or any other markings.


I don't think it was a Susan Bates hook because it didn't have that flat notch look to the hook. It was shaped more like a Boye hook. Here are the things that I know were different from any of the other Boye hooks I had:


The thumb pad was farther back on the shaft, and the shaft was just slightly thicker. It was very smooth and well made.


I don't know how to describe what was different about the hook (head?) itself because it was so much like a Boye, but yet it was different. It was like this hook had a mind of its own...in a good way. I could practically crochet with my eyes closed. It never got hung up in stitches or split yarn. Maybe it belonged to Molly Weasley?


Anyway, I don't know where I got it, but I wish I could get a whole set of them. Has anyone out there ever seen hooks like that and know where to buy them? Does anyone have hooks like that and want to sell them? I'll gladly buy any I can find.


Thanks y'all!


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Was it a Hero look-alike? The thumb part is positioned as you say. The hook was a bit flattened as well as pointed. I think the old Prims brand is somewhat like that. I also like Aero hooks that have the thumb positioned as you state.

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Was it an old hook? Maybe vintage boye since you say it was so much like a boye.


You know, I don't really know. I honestly don't know how I ended up with this hook. Maybe a yard sale or somebody gave it to me...I sure wish I knew! I'll have to google vintage boye.



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Was it a Hero look-alike? The thumb part is positioned as you say. The hook was a bit flattened as well as pointed. I think the old Prims brand is somewhat like that. I also like Aero hooks that have the thumb positioned as you state.


Well, you've given me three new search terms. I've never even heard of those brands. I'll definitely check out those Aero & Hero hooks. Thank you!


I really think the position of the thumb part is critical. Maybe it's because I hold my hook like a pencil instead of like a knife. Do you?

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.... Maybe it's because I hold my hook like a pencil instead of like a knife. Do you?


I believe my hold is considered to be the knife hold. I just never hold my real table knife that way!


I have several Hero hooks and like them the best. I've collected a number of them via eBay.


I think the Aero hooks are the closest and ordered a complete set of them from yarnforward.com in Canada. They shipped them very quickly.


Another brand I like because the hook and thumb are a nice arrangement for me is Clover. I bought a set of Clover in Taiwan (visiting my daughter). The actual length of the Clover is too short for my big hands.

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