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My Mile-a-Minute

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I like mile a minutes where you work up the strip at first to make a center (as in do five double crochet, chain 2 five double crochets, turn). I don't like the kind where it says chain200...no thanks.


I usually make one strip to start to check the pattern. For all remaining strips I make one section at a time. That way the tension is closer.


They aren't any quicker than a regular afghan in my opinion, but they are more portable and have less sewing together than squares. Plus teh stitches tend to change a lot which keeps it interesting.


Everyone always thinks I am making scarfs anyway...but I like the belt idea...very trendy for summer

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I thought I was the only one who was a little "off" for the strips. Mine were only an inch or two difference, so I just stitched it up anyway. Never made one again, because after all the work, it wasn't just right, like it should have been.


My daughter loved it anyway and still sleeps with it every once in a while.:lol And she's 17 Now!



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