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Testers found, thank you, Harvest Filet Doily

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I'm looking for 3 testers for my Harvest Filet Doily. It calls for size 10 thread, and measures app. 20" across. This is done in filet, worked from the centre out both ways, so there are no increases. It should be easy to do for a beginner in filet. If you would like to use a different size thread, or even yarn, that is fine, just let me know what size you end up with and how many blocks/4" you get.

I would like this done by July 31st, which should be plenty of time, it took me a little under a week and only because I didn't work on it more than a little each day.

You may post pictures when finished.

If interested, please PM me with your email address and skill level. harvestdoily.jpg



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pm sent i can actually start this tonight and might possibly finish it by Suinday morning as i am "grounded" and unable to drive myself anywhere (medication) issues

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Chrissy, thank you, I've sent the pattern via email.

Theresa, thank you for the comment. I understand about time! I was considering testing one of Kathy's doilies recently, wasn't sure I had time so had to pass it up.



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