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charity for my friend


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A friend of mine's house is under 6 feet of water right now. it's been like this for a while as she lives in texas where the floods happend. the goverment isn't doing anything as far as money for her. But i thought that i would come here and ask if we could do a charity run for her.

She has lost everything in her house. from pots and pans to ALL THIER CLOTHES.

i was hoping that we could make some blankets and clothes or even if you have kids yourself we could donate our unused clothes and toys to her. her daughter is 11 months but i'm making stuff for 12-18 so it will last her a while. for the mom simple shirts or donated shirts are fine. i don't know what size she wears though. i may be able to find out. Donations of baby yarn so i can make something for her daughter is also fine. if you want to donate money it's fine, i would prefer you do so in gift cards like american express or you can in paypal as long as you trust all monies will go to her.


if you want to donate just pm me and i'll give you my addy. i'm going to take everything and ship it in one big box to her mothers where shes' staying. i got an email from her and she's really done in for it. i think anything will help right about now. even though i don't have money i think it would help to ask here. mods if you have any questions or just want to make sure this is legit you can pm me!

thank you so much everyone. :c9

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Wow! That's really sad. I'm in Texas too, Houston, and we get a lot of floods, but I can't imagine 6 feet of water! Where does she live? Just curious. That sounds so hard. She and her family will be in my prayers.


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Sorry I can't help right now, but if she lives in central Texas, there's lots of help readily available. My family volunteered with the red cross this past weekend handing out clothes, food etc. to all those who had their homes completely destroyed by the 19 inches of rain they got in one day. The local Project Linus chapters had donated over 200 baby blankets for us to distribute. Also, FEMA staffers walked around near us and handed out many check cards to people so they could buy essentials and were trying to get people, especially families with children, into temp apartments (you have to submit to some kind of background/identity check though). Of course I don't know if she could get this help if she's not in central Texas... I hope things get back as closely to normal as soon as possible for her!

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