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Updated: 2 balls of Aunt Lydia's Classic Crochet Thread

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As of 9 Aug. 2007, I finally found/received 3 balls of thread to match my original ball, thanks to a certain crocheter in OH! :D


3 :cheer :cheer :cheer for Becky! :clap:jumpyay:woo


:ty Becky! :flower


(But if anyone finds any more, please let me know! I love the color but it definitely has to be the brighter colors rather than the pale®/faded colors. :) )


Thank you to everyone who helped (or tried to help) me find the right thread! :ghug




I am looking for 2 balls of Aunt Lydia's Classic Crochet Thread, size 10 with the following information:

article: 154

color: 0995 Ocean

size: 10

yards: 300

M: 274

Made in Hungary

I need 2 more balls of this thread because the other balls of this color that I have were made in India and, unfortunately, they do not match up with this "odd" ball of color that I used. I didn't realize I didn't have all matching balls of thread when I started my project. The balls that were made in India are lighter in color than the one in Hungary so there would definitely be a very noticeable difference if I used them.


I am going to see if I can find its match at some LYS where I got this one ball at but JIC I'm not so lucky, I thought I would ask to see if anyone else already has some that they would be willing to trade/sell.



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I'm still looking for this thread. I ordered 3 balls from Joann.com and got them today but unfortunately the colors do not match as the balls were made in India so they are lighter/drabber than the one I have that was made in Hungary. :(:no


I called the customer service at Joann.com and it must have taken 5-10 minutes before I finally reached an actual person to talk with instead of listening to a stupid recording over and over and over again. I told the woman the problem and she supposedly had someone check their warehouse for the color and where they were made. Unfortunately for right now, all the balls of thread that they have in their warehouse in this particular color were made in India. I had to spend some time waiting on the phone while things were checked on. I told customer service that I wanted a refund since the balls were not what I expected/wanted and when I asked about returning the balls, I was told that since the balls weren't damaged or defective, I would have to pay for the return/shipping cost. I told the customer service that then IMO, the balls were defective because they definitely do not match up with the color shown online at the web site for it:

http://www.joann.com/joann/catalog.jsp?CATID=cat2706&PRODID=prd36317 The color of this thread is definitely a lot lighter/drabber than what it appears on the page. (Aunt Lydia's Crochet Cotton-Ocean color which is in the 1st row, 3rd one from the left.)


I had to wait on the phone again while the woman checked with her supervisor to get permission to send me a postage paid merchandise return label. Thankfully, the supervisor approved and I received the label via e-mail and have it printed out so I can return those 3 balls of thread and receive my refund. :) (It would have been a whole lot simpler if I could have just returned the balls to a Joann's store in Grand Rapids but they don't do that any more.)


I also have 3 other balls ordered from the same store I bought the first one at so I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for good luck. That order should be in sometime this wk. I really do like the brighter color of this thread so if anyone finds some that is made in Hungary and not India, please let me know!



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  • 2 weeks later...

the funny thing about this is that i have two balls of Aunt Lydias Classic thread in a light blu and they are two different colors:eek they were unwrapped but i always keep the wrappers in the ball and to my surprise one was made un Hungary and the other in India. I am surprised that this should make a difference but i am glad that i had read this thread and checked before starting the two ball projetc i had planned.

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I wish I could help but I don't have that color.


I ran into the same problem when I was buying thread for Katchkan's viceroy butterfly shawl. I noticed a huge difference in color between the Indian and Hungarian threads, even though everything else on the wrapper matched.


Maybe you can contact Coats & Clark directly via their website: www.coatsandclark.com.

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I am still looking for this color of crochet thread. :(


I have NOT been able to find any matching balls of it as of yet - even C&C wasn't able to help me. :no:( Apparently all of their thread (or at least the Ocean color?) is being made in India now.


I did find another ball of this color that was made in Hungary but it didn't match my ball at all - it was closer to the pale/faded color of what is made in India and the wrapper on it did have a time/date stamp on it. (The ball I have does not have any time/date stamp on it.)


I do have a possible lead on a store in OH that may have some of this thread but I will have to call them to see what they say so I'm going to be keeping my fingers crossed for good luck!


What I'm looking for is a bright color version of the thread - best way to describe it is that the blueish-green colors of the thread definitely stand out in the thread especially when compared to the thread color made in India.


Here's a pic of the thread color that I'm trying to find/match:


It is definitely a much prettier/brighter color than what I've been finding that was made in India (or even Hungary for the balls with date/time stamps on them).


If anyone has any of this color thread or knows where I can find it, please let me know. I need 3 balls of the thread if I start from scratch for the doily that I want to make with it (or only 2 balls if it is a successful match for the 1 ball I already have) - I would prefer to err on the caution side and get 3 balls if possible but I'm willing to settle for 2 if I have to. *LOL*



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Cheryl: Sorry I hadn't been able to get back w/ you sooner...I do have one ball from Hungary, and one ball from India. Funny, never noticed the color difference until I found them yesterday (it took a while! :blush). If you like, you can have the ball from Hungary...I just don't know if there's that much of a difference, or if it's the same as the India stuff. Let me know!!



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Cheryl: Sorry I hadn't been able to get back w/ you sooner...I do have one ball from Hungary, and one ball from India. Funny, never noticed the color difference until I found them yesterday (it took a while! :blush). If you like, you can have the ball from Hungary...I just don't know if there's that much of a difference, or if it's the same as the India stuff. Let me know!!




Thank you, Tracey! :hug I would love to have the ball of thread from Hungary! I just sent you a PM. :)

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