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Simple Ripple stich



I am trying to do a basic ripple afgan. When I get to the second row my mountains and valleys do not line up with the first row is that bad? Also if it says that i should sc 7 then skip 2 then sc 7 then sc3 in next st it should come out the same at the end but I end up skiping the 2 then not having the 7 sc i have like 3 or 4 so it does not end up coming out right can someone help me. Where am I going wrong.



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3 answers to this question

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:cheer Depending on your pattern, you need to have an increase or decrease at both ends of the row, to balance the numbers.

I have a simple pattern which is just the info on the stitch and you can put your own colour scheme to it.

It has a V Stitch for the increase at the point so you can always see where to do it, without any counting.


This is an afghan made from it.



Not the best picture but it will give you a bit of an idea.

Let me now if you would like the pattern.

Hope this helps.

Have fun.


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When I teach the ripple stitch, I use a diagram I created, to help my students understand how this works. Hopefully that will be of some help to you. (it happens to be 7 sc for each hill/valley, skipping 2 sc in the valleys, and doing 3 sc for each hill, so actually exactly your pattern). On the second row, I actually skip the first sc, not the second (in blue). That's the only correction to this. Occasionally, I'll only skip 2 ch to create the valleys on the foundation chain - doesn't really matter.



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