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Lime Green & Black Sister Purse


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Tonight I pretty much finished off a bag for my sister!! She loves bright green and black... it also matches our SISTER tattoo(that was the idea for it... to match out matching tattoos)


The Tattoo(I don't have a pic of both of ours...just mine)

(Also the tattoo reads JLC..sis's initials..but it's upside down haha):



I basically did this with a double crochet and then crocheted up the side and into a strap and down the other side. Then I flipped it inside out!!


I'm just waiting to hear from her on whether or not she wants a closeable flap or for it to remain open.


The Sister Purse:






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Thank you all!!


I really loooooove crocheting... it helps relax my mind. I suffer from panic disorder and this has helped me out alot.... plus you get tons of cool stuff out of it!

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