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TNNA Question (Yes, I know it's over!)

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I've been reading various blogs about the fabulous TNNA tradeshow that happened a week or so ago in Columbus, Ohio. Sounds like a great way to meet so many well known people in the knit and crochet world, including many wonderful members of C'ville!


My question is this...in one write-up I read that TNNA is for "store owners, manufacturers, designers, publishers, and industry folk". Does this mean the general public is not invited/cannot pay to attend? Or can anyone come? Just curious!


And true, I am not a store owner, or a manufacturer, or much of a designer, certainly not a publisher, and wouldn't qualify as somebody working in industry. I'd just be a star-struck website owner!


(A very nice rep of Yarnmarket asked if she would see me there and my reply was, "As much as I'd love to, I'm stuck at home holding down the fort!") :)

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Chatted witha store owner last Thurs. who had been there. she was still in awe of it all. I got the impression it was just for people in the biz. I guess you could go with someone in the biz? That's how it was for my aunt and her clothing store at market time. She could take anyone with her.

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wait a minute, have you ever sold anything even remotely related to the biz?

even a second hand pattern? then Ta DA you can probably safely say you are in the biz...even as just someone who buys too much yarn... :)

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Well, I have sold crocheted items made from my own pattern (or a pattern of my friend's, with her permission).


And I have a crochet website that a few people have heard of.


Does that count? :lol (I doubt it.)


Thanks, though, that helps...I was curious.

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TNNA shows are strictly for professionals in the field. You have credentials to get in: business license, letterhead, credit references and such.


Jean Leinhauser


Thank you, Jean.


(I know I recognize your name as a professional! Glad to have you here on Crochetville.)

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