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Fastening Animal Eyes?

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Is there some trick to putting on the backs to animal eyes or a tool to help? I've been trying with no luck to put on the plastic back to a 15mm cat eye and can't get it to push onto the post. In fact I broke one of the eyes, I was pushing so hard. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. (Have same problem with metal backs but not as bad as this plastic backs)

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I've had the same problem. The backs don't want to go on. After several attempts and sore fingers, I just glued the eyes on.

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If you're talking about those safety eyes, they are SO hard to get on. I posted a topic here a month or so ago asking this very thing. Someone told me that you can take some scissors or a razor blade or xacto knife or something and cut a tiny bit of the inside part away. I did that with some scissors and it did the trick--it made it finally possible to get it on. Here's my thread with some more good advice from a helpful villager:



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