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What are you making this summer?

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I am working on a red and yellow baby blanket for a teacher of mine that I hope to have finished by exam time, which is looming awfully close! It's just a big granny square, so it's working up quickly, which is good.


I have a blanket of 80 granny squares made from random yarn out of my stash, but I have already made about 135 squares, so I'm trying to decide between making two 80-square blankets or one 120 square blanket. I need to join all the squares and weave the ends in.


I need to have a very nice scarf done by fathers day. He's a computer programmer, so I'm thinking of doing this one: http://www.miyuki.andviks.com/scarf.php, or I might just pick some yarn and do a more standard scarf. (The moibus strip scarf idea sounds fun too.)


I need to make my mother a full-sized granny square blanket (I'm trying to decide if I want to do one BIG square or four medium ones) for a house she's renting.


My BIG BIG BIG project this summer is to clean, sort, and organize ALL of my yarn. Currently, I have yarn in random places in my closet, on my floor, in three of my dresser drawers, on my bookcases, in my purses... It's a horrific mess. My books are in a similar state. I need to clean and organize my whole room, because I hate it. (Don't tell my parents, they'd die of shock.)


My friend is coming to stay this summer, and I want to make him something nice. A scarf? A small blanket? A laptop cozy? I'm very unsure.


I might try my hand at my first vest or sweater this summer - I've been crocheting for years and I've never made clothes.


I'd really like to make myself a second blanket, other than my Crazy Granny Square Blanket. I'd like to go to a store and pick out just a few colors and actually sit down and make something intentional.


I think I want to make each of my little cousins - the kids of my cousins - something - perhaps a medium sized blanket of their own? - by Christmas. There are four girls and two boys, so I'd need to get started soon.

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I just had to make a baby hat and booties. I started my first felted project and I have planned a pillow top for Mom that I saw on Uncommom Threads making a plaid using the date of a special event or an address number. Those will take me well into June and I haven't looked beyond that yet.

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