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Now There Are Two LYS's in my town!

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I was driving to (hmmm I forget where now.. LOL) and I saw the word 'kn*tting' on a sign while turning out onto the main drag. (Hee Hee) Of course I immediately pulled a U turn right in the middle of the road! (Just kidding.... I went to the next street and around the block...) It's another LYS!! And, get this, it is four. blocks. from. my. house!!!!!!!!!!! How dangerous is that? Extremely, when you consider I get paid today, and I have been sooooo good for sooooo long! A girl can only be good for so long when there's yarn involved, you know? :lol (Actually I probably can't afford their yarn, but.... they have books, too!) :drool


Well if you read my silliness, then thanks. :P



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Tina, be careful. LYS's are VERY dangerous. They steal your money. LOTS of it. The only thing they give you is HOURS and HOURS of pure petting pleasure.






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I really wish I had that problem. I admit, JoAnn's is right next door to my grocery store and Michaels is right beside where DH works, so I've got those temptations to deal with all the time....

Good luck and a little splurge now and again isn't a bad thing....

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I know about the stealing money part...:sigh They have a big spinning wheel in there, too, that's really nice. (I don't even know how to spin, but I have been wanting to for a long time; and of course they have to put it right by the books which is where I automatically gravitate to...) :P

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