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I just realized that the school year is almost at an end for my little ones. May 23rd is their last day and I thought it'd be nice to make a little something for their teachers. Whatever I decide it would have to be fairly quick and easy since I'd have to make for 8 teachers. Any ideas? Thank you! :manyheart

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I second the bookmark idea...quick and not too time-consuming, hopefully. Someone in the "original pattern" section, I think it was, had a pretty starflower one.

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Oh my goodness, 8 teachers?? Wow! I just remembered last week that the school year for my dd's will be over too..and just started making a shawl. I have 2 teachers to make for, lol! I just hope to get done in 3 weeks.


I like the bookmark idea for sure! Sachets are nice too, fill em with potpourri. Teachers love anything homemade (I have noticed)!


-Amy :D:hook

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