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Ever been working on something...

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So last night I started crocheting a bag with some recycled red yarn that I "rescued" from a thrift shop. I was working along thinking I would make it round and put a flower on it and felt it. I had no pattern and was just kinda "winging it." I needed a felted project because the yarn was not exactly in mint condition, and I thought a little round red bag would be perfect.


When I stitched the 2 pieces together I decided it needed an edge so I started a shell stitch I had continued the shell around the outside edge and started around to spiral it into the middle. I thought that if I did it right it would look very flower like.


So then today I am bumming around the internet, checking out what is at the Lion Brand Web-Site. I swear they read my mind...I had never seen this pattern before today. http://cache.lionbrand.com/patterns/60396.html It is the same color yarn, and almost exactly the same shape and idea. The pattern is different in the way that the spiral is made, but effect will be almost exactly the same. Even the handles are the same size & shape that I'm planning. I am planning to knit them out of i-cord, but still.


So much for thinking I'm all creative, I guess there really is nothing new under the sun or whatever it is that they say.

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That is so weird because it is such a unique concept, and yet two different people came up with it. That doesn't mean you're not creative though--you still thought up the pattern on your own before you saw the Lion Brand pattern. I would be careful about posting or selling your pattern though. Since Lion Brand published theirs first, they could assume you copied theirs.


...On that note, however, I would like to see how your bag turns out. :hook

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