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One sock

Mama Cat

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I finished this one yesterday, and hope to have the next one done in a few days. It went pretty quickly!!!




I tried to make the shape something like a knitted sock with a heel flap. To do this, I made the sock toe-up in a spiral of sc's, with increases at the side of the foot every row, and then put in a gusset as I was nearing the ankle (I put the stitch markers at the beginning and end of the gusset, as far as I could figure out after it was done). I just increased one at both sides of the gusset, on every row.


Then I started working back & forth up the back of the foot, catching in the side stitches as I went. When I "ate up" about half of the stitches, I started working round & round spirals again.


The little cuff at the top is ribbing of hdcs done through the front & back posts.


It was very fun to crochet this and I'm looking forward to doing the second one. The sock fits great!


I used Regia tip-top color which is a cotton/wool/acrylic blend. It's supposed to be self-patterning if you knit it, but because I crocheted it instead I got bands of color and the white band has a tweedy effect. I like it! I used a size D hook which seemed just right for this yarn.

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Very nice! I love the colourway, too. I am kn*tting a pair of socks right now.


You know what they say, 'Cast on for the second sock as soon as you're done with the first one' :hook (Or, start a chain for the second sock...) :P



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I'm probaby starting the second one tonight or tomorrow. Full disclosure: The reason I started a pair of crocheted socks has to do with my travel plans!! I'm flying to England tonight, and while knitting needles are allowed on flights from the US - UK, that's not so for the reverse trip. I can't find any regulations banning crochet hooks, so I aim to crochet on the way back.


However, I'm bringing the crochet project on the first leg, too, just in case they take my knitting needles away. And also, just in case I feel like crocheting more than knitting. :hook


But whatever the reason for starting the project ... it's really fun to do. I expect I'll be doing some more over the next few months. I'm thinking of a summer top/sweater, too. I really feel this strong crochet vibe coming on ...


(oh and the trip is business-related, not fun:( ... but at least I'll only be gone a couple of days)

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