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Updated my website


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Hi everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that I updated my website. I added a pattern for a Ring Bookmark. It's a bookmark I made for my Lord of the Rings book. I love the movies and I am trying to get through the books.


Anyway, feel free to check it out! luvtocraft.home.insightbb.com/

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Thank you for posting that!


I had your patterns page bookmarked, but I lost everything (including 200+ links to crochet patterns that took me untold hours to gather) in a hard drive crash Thursday. I spent all day yesterday on-line and I happily recovered 141 patterns or stitches links to put on CPC in the weeks to come. Now, with your bookmark pattern, I have 142. Thank you again!!




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I am glad you were able to recover a lot of what you lost. Sometimes technology can be a pain :bang , and sometimes it can be wonderful :cloud9 .


Thanks for adding me to your links! :bounce

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