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Advice for decorating craft/yarn room

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I am new to Crochetville, but I am hoping I can get some advice from all you crocheters out there. My DH and I are remodeling a porch into a sunroom that will double as our home office/my craft room! I'm totally excited about this, but am looking for advice from any of you about decorating ideas for my new craft space. Right now, I've only gotten as far as figuring I should have tall cubicle bookshelves for holding my yarn stash. But any creative ideas or pictures of your spaces would be welcome!

Thanks in advance,


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How much sun will the sunroom/office actually get? Most clear bins, yarns ands fabrics are not UV protected and will fade or discolor with constant exposure, some faster than others (learned that the hardway with see through bins too near a window).

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Invest in the best shelves you can afford.....my first set collapsed under the weight of everything and make sure the shelves are securely fastened to the wall. Learned the hard way that shelves can indeed ' fall ' over. If you can't stand a messy room/space you might want to put up folding doors to hide everything. I have accordion doors that I close when kiddies come over....with child proof locks because of toxic paints and sharp scissors and simple temptation to mess with my stuff LOL!!!! Good light is a must and of course a comfortable chair. My shelves are adjustable and get changed as needed. I don't use bins etc; I use boxes that can be recycled when no longer needed. I have stacks of kleenex boxes with labels of course....I asked every one to save them for me. I use laundry baskets to hold most of the yarn and projects I'm working on...easy to transport. I store my yarn stash in new green garbage pails ( the kind with wheels ) but my stash is huge. I used magnetic paint to create a huge bullentin board and chalk board paint to create an inspiration board. I've used filing cabinets to hold patterns but only because I had the cabinets...Depending on your crafts....a good strong table with a scubbable surface, mopable flooring. I didn't use carpeting because of threads...glue,paints, beads . I have plants and flowers but most of them are dead or dying(shame on me) and I plan on replacing them with artificial . I put in a bar fridge for cold drinks and a kettle for tea.....there was a bar sink in the room when we bought this house and if at all possible you should have one. I'm surprised at how often I wash my hands, even when I'm just crocheting.I hung up a screen door; I can see and hear what's going on in the rest of the house but my mess is confined for the most part to my room. Chose a color you really love; hopefully you'll spend a lot of time in your room.....a phone....perhaps a small tv. I have a tape/cd player because I listen to books on tape while working. Visit your local home improvement store for ideas that fit you and your hobbies; I never knew there was magnetic paint for instance.....just be careful you don't come home with a new interest!!!!! best of luck in decorating what will hopefully be your most favorite room of all.

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i would keep the colors neutral so it doesn't interfere with color selection for your yarn.


make sure you put in your most comfiest chair! and all the important things within arms reach. You could always put a table height bookshelf (instead of an end table) next to the chair. you get a table and extra space!

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I turned my second bedroom into a craft room. In addition to 2 bookshelves filled with all my yarn (organized by color/type/weight), I have a futon, a bookshelf with some books, a desk with my sewing machine (and some things I need to just put away). I keep most of my WIPs tucked away under the desk, to cut the clutter in my living room, which is fairly small. I like to go in my craft room on the weekend and read, and just hang out with the kitties (it faces east, so gets good light). Overall, it just has a nice, serene feeling.


I bought a canvas-covered magazine holder in a pretty color (got it on clearance at Target) for holding all my patterns, so it keeps them organized, and it's nice to look at. The whole room is just filled with color, which I love to just look at, and also it inspires me for new projects.


The nice thing about getting the yarn all out into the open has been that I can see exactly what I have. Since I am in theory trying to do some stashbusting, that's very helpful for that goal. :lol

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Thanks for some great ideas! Lots of things I hadn't thought of (or heard of...magnetic paint, for example!). I have to look for that next time I'm at Joann's. I hadn't thought about the UV rays either. The "sunroom" actually faces west, so it only gets the afternoon sun. But we are planning to have lots of windows, so I should definitely make sure my stash isn't in the direct light...would hate to have my yarn fade, although then I'd have an excuse to go out and get more...! Thanks again for all the wonderful suggestions.

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