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HH's Short n Sweet

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Has anyone who crochets left handed made it? I would really like to try to make it but I read a thread on another forum and it has me kind of worried. (I'm a lefty) So I was wondering if you've made one, did you have any of the problems the poster had? Even if you're not a lefty, I would like your opinion. I just hate to get it started and not be able to finish it. Thanks in advance for your help. Here is part of the post:


OK, so I've started the "Short N Sweet" pattern, but when I finish the "right" front piece, I realize that it's totally screwed up b/c I crochet left-handed!!!! ... It's more than just reversing the pattern. There are several things to keep in mind (the relief pattern, RS vs WS, etc.) b/c I crochet from left to right. Just starting from the middle of the back piece and going to the end doesn't seem to work, either. The pattern is still reversed and I end up on the wrong side. So I tried putting the "right" front side as the "left," but that didn't work either. .... It's impossible for a lefty to do the right front piece b/c we cannot start on that side and still have the correct side facing us. Believe me, I know this is confusing and I don't even understand it---but for whatever reason we can't just "reverse" it.


Here's the thread if it helps

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i havent tried it yet but it is on my list of future projects. but now I dont know if I want to do it because Im a leftie as well.


But I was thinking as said in this quote


I'm a righty and just started this pattern and was a little confused too at first, so I can't imagine how tricky it must be for lefties! Could you just do the whole pattern (the fronts, at least) backwards? I.e. where it says RS facing, start w/ WS facing. Where it says BPdc, do FPdc instead. That way the entire sweater is going to be done in reverse, basically? As far as I can tell the pattern is reversible (RS/WS) except for the post-stitches. I don't know if that helps?

Also, for the extra half-shell that's added to both fronts, could you chain a couple extra stitches at the end and cut yarn to get to the right place?

I don't know if that's helpful...I don't have the pattern/my half-finished sweater with me right now, let me know if you wanna see some pictures later...


So I wonder if that would actually work. :think Now I wanna get the yarn and try this so I can see if it would actually work or not.


Hope that helps.

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The key is getting into a rhythm with the lace pattern. The pattern is tricky, but if you can read stitch diagrams, it's not so bad. If I were left-handed I would make a mirror image copy of the diagram. (with a scanner/pc or some copiers. By the time you move onto the front, you should be pretty comfortable with it


If you do this left-handed, I think you just need to start with the left front panel first, right side facing, BUT following the instructions for the right front panel exactly as written (pretend it was really written for a left-hander, no modifications needed). Then when you get to the right front panel, do what I did for my left panel (directions below); start from the middle, but working left to right of course.


I ignored the instructions about reversing BPdc/FPDC for the left front panel, which was frankly a lazy way of writing the pattern. Instead I worked from the middle outwards. This is very easy to do if you look at the back panel (which will be mirrored vertically along the shoulder seam) and the first panel that you've already done to figure how many shells, etc. And where it says to attach a new yarn, ch3 and bind off (to extend the shell pattern at the neck line), I just chained 3 at the end of the previous row instead, easy!



Hope this helps!

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