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Just when you think you're out, they pull you back in!!!

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OK, so I've been doing pretty well with the stashbusting challenge...and today I get this week's AC Moore ad in my email and what is the very first thing, right up on top???? YARN FESTIVAL SAT, FEB 24TH!!!!


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK!!!:eek How am I going to avoid buying more yarn if there's a yarn festival going on???? I think I'm going to have to go spend some money over the next day or two just so that I can say "But I already spent my fun money this paycheck, I can't go to the yarn festival"....



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Does it count if someone else buys it??? How long are you stashbusting?? If you have someone else buy it and hold it until the game is over........



Sorry, I just couldn't pass up a good yarn sale!! But then again, my stash isn't large enough to worry about....yet.

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Oh my...you ARE in a fix, aren't you. Sadly, I must say...there is nothing that can be done. I am afraid to tell you this...but it would be WRONG to pass up such a good sale. Sadly, but true. Girl...buy some yarn and ask forgiveness later, right? I am sure it would work.

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I have fixed it so that I don't have any fun money to spend at the sale!! I'm very happy with myself! And yeah, I've busted some major stash over the last 2 weeks, but I really want to get down to very little yarn..cause DH has already been warned that if I do the stashbusting challenge, I'm going to run out of yarn and then he's going to have to let me go MAJOR yarn shopping...cause if Momma doesn't have yarn, Momma's not happy...and if Momma isn't happy, no one in the house is happy LOL!! And he's agreed that he won't care what I buy in yarn if I actually stick to the stash busting thing for a bit...so now, I've got my little (ok, not so little) inventory list of my stash and I've got a few lines actually crossed off for good!


Want to know what I did to save me from myself?? I decided to finally start investing in goodies to check out something I've been interested in for a while but never actually did anything about. I just ordered a beginner's kit for essential oils (think aromatherapy, message oils, stuff like that) and an accessory kit (extra bottles to mix oils, carrier oil too)...so I spent my fun money, I got something I've been wanting for a while, AND I've protected my stashbusting score!! Go me!! Now I just have to wait til the package arrives...grrrrr...


And, yeah, I'd still lose points if someone else bought it for me....



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Well, I must say...I am very proud of you. You have done wayyyy better than I could ever dream to have done. I wouldn't be that good. But then I am not on a stash-busting challenge. I have been thinking about joining though...but I don't know if I could keep up with the discipline. Hmmm....

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Anna..trust me, there's not alot of discipline going on just now in the stashbusting LOL!! It's funny cause if you read it, you'll see one post for "I used up X amount of yarn" and then another for "I just bought X amount of yarn" and it just bounces back & forth...this last week we had a negative overall score..and it was REALLY in the negatives LOL!! As long as you use up more than you buy each week, you'll at least make room for a big splurge of yarn later!!



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