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help designing a stuffed animal

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im trying to make foamy for my bf...

im makeing him from the top of his head down (ears added on later) and working in the round... right now his head is 8 inches across and 4 inches long


my problem is the head shapeing... im not sure what needs to bump out and what doesnt...

and how can i make it bump out?


heres some pictures of foamy




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first of all I'd like to say, I LOVE FOAMY! second of all, maybe you could try doing two triangle type shapes and whipstich/slst them together. It's kind of hard to explain what I'm picturing but it would go some thing like this....




\ --------/

-\ O O -/

--\ < -/



hope you get what I'm trying to say lol


ps. ignore all the dashes, it wouldn't let me space it right, sorry...

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My suggestion would be to leave the face flat but slightly stuff under the eyes. They seem to want to " pop" out. you might want to sew ' into the face ' to make expressions......borrow a doll making books from the library, especially if they have anything on cloth dolls such as cabbage patch good luck !!!!

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Frogs, when you want something to "bump out", work increases. So, as a quickie example, for Foamy's nose you could work: sc2tog, 2sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog. Do that for a couple of rows and then maybe another decrease on the next row directly under the nose. Always work a dec with a 'bumping out' increase to keep the stitches even (unless you're wanting the piece to shrink).


For more of a bump, work a 2hdc instead of the sc.

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