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The "Too Good for Your Boyfriend" Sweater CAL


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I've never made a sweater before, and was thinking about trying The "Too Good For Your Boyfriend" Sweater from Not Your Mama's Crochet by Amy Swenson.


Anyone care to join me? :hook



BTW, here's a link to the book on Amazon if you want to check it out: http://www.amazon.com/Not-Your-Mamas-Crochet-Creative/dp/0471973815/sr=8-2/qid=1170205843/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/104-9671213-4219125?ie=UTF8&s=books

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I am not sure yet, I need to take a look at the pattern. I will go to Barnes & Nobles soon and see if they have this book. Is there any chance of a picture somewhere on the internet I hope ?


I will let you know later this week if I can join in or not.

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Well... I don't know if it still counts as a CAL, but I'm still planning to make the sweater, so if you want to join, I'd welcome the company.

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Last Update - Finally found the book and look at the pattern. Sorry to say it but it don't appeal to me. I want to say good luck and go for it! It is great to see that there is someone else who can keep you company.

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