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Like a kid on Halloween!

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Today, I was out looking for yarn, and at this store, this wonderful lady told me about heaven... I mean a store that has yarn. She added that the lady sold this HUGE bags of yarn, some offcuts, some full skein, all in the same bag.


So, yarnaddict that I am, I asked my dad (who was driving me) if we could stop and check it out.


Heaven. Pure and simple. This lady has these insanely monster bags, with all sorts of yarn. Plus, she has these other bags that contain a _whole_ skein. (I'm cringing just thinking about the cats getting into one of those, and me having to unravel it!). The best part? I got 1 bag of mixed, for 6$! and like a little kid on halloween, who's anxious to open her little trick or treat bag and see what she got... I got home and jumped in the bag. The colors! the textures! I'll be going back next week to get more. True, some skeins took me forever to unravel, but they are so worth it!


If anyone is in the sudbury, ontario area, the store is called the emporium and is located in Chelmsford, on main.


I'd been looking for "cheaper" yarn, as I'm on a tight budget, and I found this place! I just had to share...


Cheers! Cynthia

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Nice score! I wonder if I can convince my DH to give me a drive over there to do a bit of yarn binging. I'll have to call up my stepmom for directions though, been a long time since I've been to Sudbury.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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