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A Filet Doily

Mom w/a Motif

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I am not sure if I should post this here, or in the 'Help' section... :think Well it is thread crochet, so.... Here goes. :hook


I am crocheting my first filet doily ever. Now the first part of the edging (the top of the doily) was crocheted right along with the rest of the graph. But for the second part, I had to reattach the thread and work the second side. It doesn't really tell you how to do it. I just kinda attached it and worked it in wherever. But I am off. Now, I haven't worked on it for a while. I got so irritated with it that I put it up. (I started it a week or two before the Tea Cozy Swap started...) :blush



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Thanks for looking. Maybe someone who is proficient in filet crochet will be able to help? :blush



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I'm not proficient in fillet but when I make mistakes like that I look over the instructions to see if I am off in my stitch count somewhere. Maybe the instructions are wrong and you need to adjust the border part on the sides or you stitch could is off for the main fillet part are you need to adjust.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks Samantha. :) The problem is, they don't really give you any directions, it's just basically a graph. They don't tell you how you're supposed to go about crocheting into the side of the piece or anything.... :think


But I posted this in the help section, too. And a couple people gave me some links for how to do filet crochet. I think I am going to have to frog that whole side and skip a few spaces.


Thanks, though! :manyheart



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