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Hat for Pine Ridge


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Last week,we got stuck in the sand in CA.After waiting 2 1/2 hours for a tow truck,another truck driver saw us,turned around and came back to pull us out.It seems he had gotten stuck in the same place the day before.He wouldn't take the money we offered him(would have cost us $22 for a tow truck).


In honor of our "Highway Hero",I made these hats for teens on Pine Ridge using my "Sedona" pattern I posted this morning.I hope they like them!


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Those are neat! So glad someone came by and helped you! Isn't it nice to have nice people still?


My jeep broke down last fall...in the pouring rain about 1 mile away from home at the library...hubby out of town on business...with 3 kids with me. A very nice couple with a mini-van (to hold us all) gave us a ride to my other car at my hubby's work. It was so cool that people still help one another.:manyheart

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