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Original Kelly doll clothes in thread


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I haven't really crocheted in ages, too many other things to try out (once I've mastered something it tends to get forgotten for a while). I don't even know where these clothes are any more, and I have purchased 2 new Kelly dolls since this one looks a lil worse for wear! Anyhow...


th_KellyBack.jpg th_KellyFront.jpg th_Kellycompleteoutfit.jpg


Pics one and two show Kelly in her underwear. I remember very clearly what these were made from as they formed a huge challenge! 2 strands of embroidery floss (either DMC or Anchor I can't remember which) and a 0.6mm hook. Once I had them done I couldn't resist adding little frills to each side. If I ever find them again and manage to match the cotton I might make a matching cami (I learnt all too late that my then 18mth old daughter could remove the clothing...)


Pic three is a complete outfit, Halter, Shorts and minute handbag (it's about 3mm not including handle). These were maybe a 20 thread and a 1mm hook. Really not sure.


I hope I find these clothes, I am still bummed Jessi lost the little white capri's with blue top I made, it was just adorable and I never note anything so would be hard to recreate. Oh well, live and learn!!

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