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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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First of all, I must apologize to Diane for dropping the ball on getting back to you about the pattern. Thanks so much, Paulette for following through on that! :hug:hug


I have been busting my choppies working on a fun new thing.

It's 'The Sisterhood of the Travelling Crochet Hook'.

You can read all about it on http://www.hankeringforyarn.com

(It's free and should be great fun, with no guilt or obligation, just -hopefully- lots of inspiration and creativity!)


I've got all kinds of patterns coming out in magazines in 2007 and 2008. Also have designs in a bunch of books that will be out in '07 and 08.....

and waiting to hear back from editors on other ones.


I'll be hanging in on the crochet along for the butterfly shawl, as I am going to be doing more than just my daughter's shawl with the butterfly pattern... I hope! LOL! Ack! so many balls up in the air :hook


Okay, off I go to write my spoolknitting blog!

big hugs all round

Noreen :o) (Hope you'll all join the Sisterhood of the Travelling Crochet Hook!):yes:manyheart:hug


Glad you found the info you needed!


Anyone else that's looking to join us, I edited Post #1 of this thread with info on obtaining the magazine and the necessary correction! So hook on, little hookers, hook on!



And Noreen, Noreen, Noreen... please link us to whatever it is you're doing whenever it gets published... your patterns are so great and you're so creative! I wouldn't want to miss a thing, so as soon as you can, let us see what you've been up to!!!!!:hug

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:thinkOK.. I broke down and ordered this mag that this shawl is in. I don't know how soon it will be here and I don't know how soon I will be able to start it. Man, These Crochet A Longs have really gotten under my skin!!!!:P
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:thinkOK.. I broke down and ordered this mag that this shawl is in. I don't know how soon it will be here and I don't know how soon I will be able to start it. Man, These Crochet A Longs have really gotten under my skin!!!!:P


So glad you're joining us! Aren't these Crochet Alongs the best?:devil


Don't forget to download the correction here http://www.hankeringforyarn.com/the-...lar-butterfly/

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They are great, arent' they? I love the sense of community that they create!

hugs and blessings

Noreen :clap



:thinkOK.. I broke down and ordered this mag that this shawl is in. I don't know how soon it will be here and I don't know how soon I will be able to start it. Man, These Crochet A Longs have really gotten under my skin!!!!:P
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Hi Diane

Well, while you are all inspired, take a moment to visit the Sisterhood of the Travelling Crochet Hook at http://www.hankeringforyarn.com and share some of your crochet adventures with the Sisterhood! :clap:hug

:hook:manyheart Noreen


Noreen. There are so many that I want to get involved in. I just can't!!!! They are a wonderful thing. I am saying this tongue in cheek!!!!!!LOL:P
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Noreen. I read a bit about this the other day.. Very interesting!!!!!





Hi Diane

Well, while you are all inspired, take a moment to visit the Sisterhood of the Travelling Crochet Hook at www.hankeringforyarn.com and share some of your crochet adventures with the Sisterhood! :clap:hug

:hook:manyheart Noreen

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Hi Diane

People keep writing emails to me privately, telling me about all kinds of wonderful adventures they have had in the Sisterhood of the Travelling Crochet Hook, and I keep saying to them:

Can I post your note to the blog!?

and they mumble: I should take pictures.......

I say: Just post them! Other people should here these lovely stories! Don't freeze up over pictures!


At first, I thought about having one hook that travelled from friend to friend. But then, as I wrote about it, I realized that the Sisterhood of the Travelling Crochet hook is MUCH bigger than just one hook's adventures.


If you go to



it explains how to join in, and why it's not just one hook.



And, tell me, where has your crochet taken you, and where have you taken your crochet?

big hugs




Noreen. Are there other folks that post on your blog about the traveling hook. Did you send one hook out and it travels around through friends?? Very intersting thing to do!!!


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Noreen. that is a question that I am going to have to mull over. I know that I have "carried" my crochet to different places to work on. But where it has taken me and where I have taken it. That is one to think on. I will have to get back to you on this!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've been working away on my daughter's butterfly shawl for her wedding....

I've posted pics and have a couple of questions about the fringe, and would appreciate some input....





Wow, Noreen, that is really gorgeous. I wish we had touch-o-vision too, because you can nearly feel the luxury of that beautiful silk... what pleasure to be making this lovely heirloom for your daughter.


As far as a chain fringe, I've done that before and been very pleased with the finished look... and it didn't look too thin, though I wasn't using thread at the time, but a very thin yarn. Perhaps if you do some overlap in the chains they will have a fuller look.


I'm not familiar with the other method you mentioned, I think a yarn twister, but that sounds really pretty with fresh water pearls - very wedding-y!:manyheart

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THanks so much, Paulette!

I am just so thrilled with the way the shawl is turning out. I loved it in cotton, but the silk just is exponentially more glorious! ahhhhhhh!


I am going to have to do several different versions of the fringe to see what is the most lusicious choice........ I am really excited about options that I have never even thought of before! What fun!

I'll post pics of them!

big hugs




Wow, Noreen, that is really gorgeous. I wish we had touch-o-vision too, because you can nearly feel the luxury of that beautiful silk... what pleasure to be making this lovely heirloom for your daughter.


As far as a chain fringe, I've done that before and been very pleased with the finished look... and it didn't look too thin, though I wasn't using thread at the time, but a very thin yarn. Perhaps if you do some overlap in the chains they will have a fuller look.


I'm not familiar with the other method you mentioned, I think a yarn twister, but that sounds really pretty with fresh water pearls - very wedding-y!:manyheart

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I dont have anything to add about the shawl.. but I love to hear/read about silk and the spinning thereof.


Why? because it reminds me of the attempts to start a silk industry in the Savannah, GA area long long ago.


I won't go into huge detail here, but everytime I read about you spinning the silk, I'm taken back in time..and I love history & genealogy.

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Oh, wow, Lisa.......... it makes me wish that Ken Burns would hear about it and make a documentary for PBS! That's one I would love to see!


I am just loving spinning the silk for my daughter's shawl. To be perfectly honest, I think I am now totally hooked on spinning silk......... it's just luscious beyond belief! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:c9

big hugs


I dont have anything to add about the shawl.. but I love to hear/read about silk and the spinning thereof.


Why? because it reminds me of the attempts to start a silk industry in the Savannah, GA area long long ago.


I won't go into huge detail here, but everytime I read about you spinning the silk, I'm taken back in time..and I love history & genealogy.

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Noreen, your shawl is so beautiful!

I made my shawl without fringe, and I think it looks just fine. I did make a border all around.


I have all of my grandmother's crochet hooks, most likely from well before WWll. I love using the size 8, (those 12 and 14 hooks are mind boggling!) and when I make something for a relative, I tell them I made it with her hook, and they are pleased, because the item has part of her in it. I like the way it feels in my hand: maybe she is guiding the stitches? :angel

I have a blue aluminum E hook from college days, and it pleases me because the thumb grip is faded from so much pressure!


I haven't worked on the shawl, as I have been designing a small item for someone who loves the sea. I'm using some embroidery thread in order to have enough blues to supplement the limited colors available in crochet thread.

I would never be able to repeat this intricate project, but I am curious how you design.......:artist

I would think you have to stop each time to keep careful notes, and then, each time you undo what doesn't work, make notes again! :pencilHow tedious!

For this project, I think I have un-done more than what I have completed! (but it is nearly finished, a work of art!!!!) :2blush

keep us informed about the shawl, and the wedding!

Zuzu:dog :cat

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Hi ZuZu!:cheer I am going point by point in purple in your note....


Noreen' date=' your shawl is so beautiful!


[b']thanks so much!!!! I am just loving it.... the silk is just unbelievable!

I made my shawl without fringe, and I think it looks just fine. I did make a border all around.


I have all of my grandmother's crochet hooks, most likely from well before WWll.


Wow! those are truly treasures! How lucky!


I love using the size 8, (those 12 and 14 hooks are mind boggling!)


yes... when you work that fine, you almost have to go into an altered state of consciousness! I find that it helps to not look too closely, but really to focus on the feel of it.....


and when I make something for a relative, I tell them I made it with her hook, and they are pleased, because the item has part of her in it.



I like the way it feels in my hand: maybe she is guiding the stitches? :angel


No doubt about it. We have a lot of my father-in-law's woodworking tools and a few of my dad's. I often feel them being really happy about us working with them. It's a lovely feeling!


I have a blue aluminum E hook from college days, and it pleases me because the thumb grip is faded from so much pressure!


I still have my first ever crochet hook, too! A wee plastic 'C' hook. I wouldn't dare work with it now, as it's too brittle, and I would hate to break it.


I haven't worked on the shawl, as I have been designing a small item for someone who loves the sea. I'm using some embroidery thread in order to have enough blues to supplement the limited colors available in crochet thread.

I would never be able to repeat this intricate project, but I am curious how you design.......:artist

I would think you have to stop each time to keep careful notes,


you are absolutely correct! LOL! I start with a drawing and sketches, which can be quite rough, and use a lot of drawing out to work my way through rough patches. I find that it is essential to write down EVERY single bit so I don't miss something essential. It really is labour intensive!:yes


and then, each time you undo what doesn't work, make notes again! :pencilHow tedious!


Bingo! LOL! :P


For this project, I think I have un-done more than what I have completed! (but it is nearly finished, a work of art!!!!) :2blush


BRAVO!!!!!! :clap


keep us informed about the shawl,


I'm working on it right now :lol


and the wedding!


TWO weddings! Our son and our daughter are both getting married this summer, and I will also be travelling to New Hampshire to teach at Chain Link. So, it's a really busy summer! :D


Big hugs, and yup, I will post more pics as I get the shawl closer to being done! I am going to try a few different things for the fringe. I am quite intrigued by some ideas that I have for it.....

will be in touch!



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Oh, wow, Lisa.......... it makes me wish that Ken Burns would hear about it and make a documentary for PBS! That's one I would love to see!


I am just loving spinning the silk for my daughter's shawl. To be perfectly honest, I think I am now totally hooked on spinning silk......... it's just luscious beyond belief! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:c9

big hugs



Here's some almost documentary for you Noreen. You're more than welcome to read the whole thing, but if you're limited on time, scroll down to the "New Ebenezer" section.




I'm proud to say I'm descended from that group of religious emigrants(i wanted to use the word r e f u g e e .. but the Asterisks got in the way..sheesh...), but have never been to that area other than to drive through. It's on my to-visit list.

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Wow.... Lisa, thanks for this link.:) I am even more convinced that someone should make a documentary on it! They did a wonderful documentary on the woolen mills of the NE states a few years ago.

I remember reading about the attempts of people in Utah to start a silk industry. It's fascinating!:yes


big hugs:hug Noreen


Here's some almost documentary for you Noreen. You're more than welcome to read the whole thing, but if you're limited on time, scroll down to the "New Ebenezer" section.




I'm proud to say I'm descended from that group of religious emigrants(i wanted to use the word r e f u g e e .. but the Asterisks got in the way..sheesh...), but have never been to that area other than to drive through. It's on my to-visit list.

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Noreen, thank you for the reply! It makes me happy to know that you have the same feelings about the woodworking tools! :manyheart


When I was very little, I watched my grandmother crocheting a very fine table cloth, and I asked her why she held a red fabric underneath. She said it was so she could see the tiny stitches better.

Thank you for the insight re just feeling your way with the stitches! I think I have been doing that a little with this project using the 8 hook on tiny, tight single crochet, but I have to look closely with that embroidery thread, because the hook keeps catching.


:dragonflyI think your butterfly shawl would look good with very tiny flowers as a border, or with pearls, perhaps dangling. (can't wait to see your pix and hear about the different fringe ideas)


I went to an art showing from the local art school, and the lecturing professor commented on my butterfly shawl............I said, "Yes ,I made it , but I didn't design it: it was designed by a very talented designer!"

(he was impressed):artist

hugs to you too, and thank you for the insight re designing.........I will try to take notes next time.....



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Hallo ZuZu

Oh, I feel that way about all our tools, not just our woodworking ones!


Sometimes, when a spoolknitter (that I have gotten really attached to) sells, I feel really sad! LOL! Jim says to me: I'll turn another one! And yes, I know, but, each one is one of a kind........:( and :clap

too funny!


Thanks for the complement from the prof - I appreciate that!


And, I do the same thing as your Gran - I put a contrasting cloth behind the crocheting to make it more visible. That really helps!


Okay, gotta go hit the spinning wheel! ;)



Noreen' date=' thank you for the reply! It makes me happy to know that you have the same feelings about the woodworking tools! :manyheart


When I was very little, I watched my grandmother crocheting a very fine table cloth, and I asked her why she held a red fabric underneath. She said it was so she could see the tiny stitches better.

Thank you for the insight re just feeling your way with the stitches! I think I have been doing that a little with this project using the 8 hook on tiny, tight single crochet, but I have to look closely with that embroidery thread, because the hook keeps catching.


:dragonflyI think your butterfly shawl would look good with very tiny flowers as a border, or with pearls, perhaps dangling. (can't wait to see your pix and hear about the different fringe ideas)


I went to an art showing from the local art school, and the lecturing professor commented on my butterfly shawl............I said, "Yes ,I made it , but I didn't design it: it was designed by a very talented designer!"

(he was impressed):artist

hugs to you too, and thank you for the insight re designing.........I will try to take notes next time.....



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Last night, just before midnight, I finished crocheting my daughter's butterfly shawl for her wedding.:yay:c9


I have been spinning all the silk for it, and it has become a large part of my days to spin up enough silk to crochet each evening!

I love the way it looks without a fringe, so we shall have to see what Chloe thinks. It's a VERY heavy shawl, and the wedding is in August, at the peak of heat, in a beautiful, but not air conditioned conservatory, so she may not welcome the extra weight of the fringe...... we shall see........ also, I don't want the shawl to overwhelm the beauty of her dress......


When I finished it, I held it in my arms and cried. I hugged it and a rush of memories poured through me. Right from the moments after her birth, when I felt an overwhelming sense of awe at having given birth to this beautiful child, as well as having given birth to a new mother (me!) - through to standing in awe of this glorious young woman! :yes


I also felt a sense of connection with every other mother who has poured her love into making a symbol of the love she feels for her daughter. Every young woman should know that she is so loved and honoured!


The timing on the wedding projects is feeling great. The tartan for the kilts that I am making my husband and our son arrived on Friday. And, now, it's time to turn my attention to them........... And to get back to weaving the vest for my soon-to-be-son-in-law. Two weddings in one summer is mighty special! LOL! :lol

big hugs


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