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CrochetMe New Wave Bohemian Vest problems



Hey, I'm pretty bad at reading patterns, and I'm having some trouble with the New Wave Bohemain Vest from CrochetMe. I'm making the vest for my mom's birthday in Microspun.


The FIRST problem I had (like I said, no good at following patterns) is with the formation of the back panel. Here's the lines of the pattern (I chained 50):


"Row 1: sc into 4th ch from hook, *3 ch, sk 1 ch, 1 sc into next ch. Rep from * to end, turn.


Row 2: *3 ch, 1 sc into next ch 3 arch. Rep from * to end, turn.


Rep Row 2 until piece of desired length from underarm."


OK, when I did this, after I turned, I did an sc into the 3 turning chains. Should I have done that? Cause when I did this the whole thing seemed to be getting longer across, but I tried NOT sc'ing into the turning chain, and it got smaller. Anyways, I did the whole back panel, and it's not TOO extremely bad, but will it pose any problems in the future, do ya think?


Next problem's with the shaping of the armholes:


"Dec Row 1: Sl st across 2 chain arches by workign a sl st in each chain (and in any sc between chain arches). Sc in next ch arch. Continue in established pattern leaving last 2 ch arches unworked.


Work in established pattern for another 8". Fasten off."


I assume "established pattern" is that "ch 3, 1 sc into next ch 3 arch" thing, and I should do both places it says "established pattern," leaving only one row of decreases. But I'm having some conceptual problems with this, I guess. I I only do the sl st decreases on one row, wouldn't it make the armhole shaping go like this?




All right angles and such. But in the sample pic the shaping and decreasing looks a lot more gradual. Should there be more than one round of decreases?


Maybe I'm just overthinking this.:think


Thanks all!

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