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blog safety...


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With all the hoopla of blogs and the frightening outcomes of myspace.....what is the hype about having a blog? No offense, no meanness intended......I just am curious what are the benefits of the blogs? I will probably be jumping on board too! hahah! I just was curious what one actually does with the blogs, etc. Isn't there a concern for some freak to search out us "hookers?"

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You can blog about your life, your crochet, your tv watching habits, etc. It's up to you. Some people just like to hear themselves talk and hope others are reading. Some people keep track of crochet efforts and finished tasks. Some people keep in touch with friends and family through blogging/journaling.


Whenever you post to a message board, blog, etc there's a risk of safty/stockers/what have you. It's a chance you take and something only you know if you're comfortable with and how much you're willing to talk about. Some sites allow you an amount of security such as live journal which lets you post in three levels of security: everyone can read, only friends can read, and only you can read.


Hope that helps.



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