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First Stitch N' Bitch

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I went to my first Stitch N' Bitch last night and had a fantastic time! I was so excited to go, because I don't have any family or friends that share the passion. It was great to be around people that were excited about a ball of Baby Monkey that one of the women brought! And I wasn't the youngest woman there?!?!?!?! There were two women that graduated from university this past winter (therefore younger than me), two with kids my age, two retired ladies and the owner of the host shop who is maybe 45ish. Nice small group, with variety. BUT....I was the only crocheter! They want lessons (which I don't think I'm ready for). The next meeting is two weeks away and I can't wait!:clap

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Isn't it cool! I'm glad to hear you had a good time. I was a bit disappointed in my first couple of SnB's, but the most recent turned out to be quite enjoyable with a wide range of people like yours (that's key) and in a place where we could look at pretty yarn all the time. I was one of only two crocheting in that last one out of about 13 or 14, and the other one was learning for the first time. It was fun.


So, what are you going to do with the Baby Monkey?

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