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whip stitch



hi all Im too excited to have found this site. I'm teaching myself to crochet. I'm left-handed and am lucky enough to work with a girl who is also Lefty challenged. I need to use a whip stitch to complete a baby booty but cant seem to find it . Is there another name for it? Any hints ore links anyone can recommend? thanks so much deb

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4 answers to this question

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Great sites natalie. The way that I whip stitch, is I put right sides together (the front sides facing each other). Then depending on the size and nature of what I am sewing I will usually secure them together. I use pieces of yarn, or the locking stitch markers. The do sell pins made especially for holding yarn items together, and I just bought them, but don't have them yet.



Then measure your sewing yarn 2 1/2 times the length of what you are sewing together (this will give you plenty without running out). I usually weave my end into on of the pieces near where I will start sewing, then go through the edge stitch through both pieces. Bring the needle over the edge and going back through the front, go through both pieces about 1/4-1/2" from where your previous stitch was. Since you are sewing baby booties, you will probably want your stitches to be fairly close to each other. I usually try to match my sewing stitches to the crochet stitches. On single crochet edges, I will do one sewing stitch in each crochet stitch, on double crochet, I will generally do 2 stitches in each double crochet stitch. Pull your stitches taut, but not overly tight (you do not want the sewing to pucker. Continue making stitches from the front to the back trying to catch 2 strands of yarn on each pieces for each stitch, the length of the piece. When you reach your end, weave it through the stitches to secure it and cut it off. I then open the seam and smooth it out, so that it actually creates a flat seam. I use my fingers to push the edges out.


Hope this was clear, let me know if anything was confusing and I will try to clarify more.

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