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I am REALLY feeling like one of you now!

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Finishing a project feels good...finishing 8 in 2 weeks feels great! I mentioned in an earlier post that my SIL is coming for visit from SA and I wanted to crochet gifts for my whole SA family...there are 14 of 'em! In 2 weeks I completed:


-3 scarves in Paton's brilliant, all different stitch patterns

-1 shawl in TLC cotton plus (I LOVE cotton plus!)

-3 pairs of slippers

-1 dishcloth


I have 1 and half more dishcloths, 4 more pairs of slippers and I think I will do some beaded jewelry for the last 2 SIL's...just for a little break! I may even KNIT one of the dishcloths just for grins.


I really feel like one of you all now...getting going and getting it done:)


Thank you all for your help and continued motivation!

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