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Another felting question. I see purses with straps attached through holes...are these created before felting or after felting? I'm working on a little bag that I want to add straps instead of what the pattern is calling for but just didn't know if I should allow for the holes before or after felting :think

Hope all that made since?


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You can just punch the holes after the item is felted with a knitting needle or other sharp object. I made a purse and made holes by the 'chain and skip' method, but the were mostly closed up after felting, so I stuck some big fat knitting needles thru the spaces while it dried. So, I guess you can do it either way.

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I've punched holes with knitting needles after felting. But most often, I attach my straps before felting (just by knotting them) and then felt the whole thing together. It seems to work pretty well for me, although I know it's often not recommended. When I started felting, it just seemed easier to attach them first. Maybe you'll feel the same way.

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Thanks so much for the help!!

I have finished 2 purses and 1 cell phone holder, I've put them away to await my group meeting when we are going to learn felting together.

I can't even tell you how tempted I am to try sooner LOL

I'll come back and share once we felt.

Thanks again.

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I always do the straps afterwards, except the pattern I just wrote.


If you are punching a hole, use either a large knitting needle or I have even used scissors to cut a hole. Once it's fulled, it won't fray or come apart.

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