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increasing and decreasing



well im working on this pattern



and since i started reading patterns not too long ago, im not too sure what these two lines mean


3rd row: Increase 1 hdc 8 times every 2 sts.

25th row: Decrease 1 st 8 times every 9 sts.


it is probably very easy but im not too sure how to go about doing it :think

thanx in advance

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4 answers to this question

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3rd row: Increase 1 hdc 8 times every 2 sts. This means that on every 2nd stitch you will put 2 hdc in the stitch (an increase) and that you should do it a total of 8 times on this row.







25th row: Decrease 1 st 8 times every 9 sts. This means that you will work a decrease (combine 2 stitches to one) between every ninth and tenth stitch a total of 8 times on this row. So you will have 8 stitches between each decrease, then the decrease stitch, then 8 more stitches, decrease, etc, total of 8 times.


Hope this makes it clear for you, let me know if you need more help.

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3rd row: Increase 1 hdc 8 times every 2 sts.

I would take this as adding 8 extra hdc every 2 sts, so I would probably do 4 hdc in each of 2 sts




25th row: Decrease 1 st 8 times every 9 sts.

I would take this as working hdc decrease for the first 8 sts and the 9th st would be a regular hdc, repeating that pattern around

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I think it means what crochet smartcat said. At first, I thought it might mean what liz31 described, but then it seemed like a really strange way to say it. If they meant that, seems like they would have said something simpler like "4 hdc in each st across". So I think the writer of the pattern just put the "8 times" in a confusing place, and meant something like "increase 1 hdc every 2 stitches 8 times". If they had said that, would have been much clearer, but my guess is that's what they meant.


Well, you'll know soon enough if it was right or wrong. Those two patterns make for very different results!

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