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Bed Dolls

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Hi Everyone, I have been making bed dolls but I have run into a problem. Everywhere I go no one sell the dolls. I need stand up or the actual bed dolls. I can't find a website for Canada or an actual place to buy them. If anyone has a suggestion please let me now. I live in Ontario, Canada. I use to use Wal-Mart but they stopped selling them in my area.

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I had the same exact problem. I ended up buying them online. After the fact I noticed Walmart started carrying a small selection of air freshener dolls. During my search I went to Michaels, when I asked someone there if they have them...lol...she looked at me like I had 2 heads.

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this is a web site that offers the dolls and the patterns . :http://www.fibrecraft.com/


If you have a acmoore near you they sell the dolls also. walmart sells the 1/2 dolls. If you want the full size dolls I am not much help on that . I made my dolls with the ones with no leggs. you can look here at them: http://photobucket.com/albums/c167/snbarclay/?action=view&current=102_13382.jpg

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