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Weird Crochet Deja Vu

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Okay, this is weird.


I recently started crocheting. I'm 46 years old. My grandma used to crochet when she was young, thread only (that I know of). She stopped before I was born. My mom crocheted a little when I was in grade school, but she stopped, too. I really didn't share in her enthusiasm for it at the time.


Now I've started crocheting just a few months ago. My mom gave me my grandmother's steel hooks, which she kept in an old metal cigar tube. When I'm doing thread crochet, I sometimes feel like I've done this before - a LOT. Sometimes I can look at my hands and see my grandmother's hands. It's a very strange feeling.


There is a theory out there that we may have some "genetic memory" - that the "memory" of our experiences can be passed on to our children genetically. It does happen in some animals, but the jury is out about whether this happens in people. But this is so strange.


Has anyone else ever experienced something like that?


BTW, I'm really amazed at how some of my first pieces have come out. My first thread projects are in this topic:






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I absolutely believe in genetic memory.


There are times, especially when I am at the beach, when I feel like I am in ancient times. Also, sometimes they way light hits something sometimes makes me feel like it is not the present but hundreds of years past.


Very hard to describe, but I know what you mean.

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I find what you wrote very interesting. It's like the fact that monkeys instinctively are born with a fear of snakes. Why? I do think that we are born with "memory genes". I have my masters in social work and my bachelor's in psychology and I've read about this. It is very interesting.

BTW, are Fluffernutter, Cyrus, and CGC cats? I'm a mom to Oliver, Benji, and Baby.

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I don't know much about the idea of genetic memory, but since the crochet hooks belonged to your grandma they are filled with her energy. they probably contributes to your expericence too. your thread crochet is amazaing. :c9

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Thanks for the replies - now I know I'm not nuts! Not that I ever thought I was...


Curibe - my mom is an MSW (retired now). I'm glad they're addressing this stuff now in school. There is a lot about the mind that we don't understand.


Gingerchai - I love your work, especially your mesh stuff. Can you tell that I like lacy things? But if you were to meet me in person, you'd never guess it. I'm a jeans and bulky sweater kind of person on the outside.







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If you believe in reincarnation, we often have "cell memory". Things that could have happened in our past lives seem familiar to us in this life. As in the person who feels familiar while on the beach. That is an example of memories of a past life that is imprinted into our bodies cells, the imprint comes from our souls' memories.

I agree that what you experienced is your Grandmother's vibrations. How lucky you are, I miss both my Grandmother's very much and would love an experience like yours.

No, you are not going crazy.


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I find what you wrote very interesting. It's like the fact that monkeys instinctively are born with a fear of snakes. Why? I do think that we are born with "memory genes". I have my masters in social work and my bachelor's in psychology and I've read about this. It is very interesting.

BTW, are Fluffernutter, Cyrus, and CGC cats? I'm a mom to Oliver, Benji, and Baby.



Cyrus IS the Fluffernutter! He is a long coated Rottweiler so he has much, much longer hair than normal (it is a genetic glitch) and he can be a nut:lol


CGC stands for "Canine Good Citizen". It is an obedience test that dogs take and it can be a credit to further venues of competition and is required before taking the test to be a Cerified Therapy Dog. It can also get you Home Owners Insurance if your company is weird about large breed dogs. I plan to test Cyrus for Therapy soon, he is a natural!


Cyrus is my first dog as I have always owned cats. I had one named "Baby" too! He was my heart cat and went to the Bridge in 12/03. I still miss him.

Cyrus is great with cats so I may get a kitten soon!

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Oh my Gosh, I feel so foolish. So Cyrus, fluffernut, and CGC are one in the same????:P That's awesome. I have never seen a long haired Rottweiller. Can you send a picture?

I love people that care about their animals like family members. Our 3 cats are so special to us, we even have health insurance for them. People think we're nuts but I could care less.


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