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Crochet Pattern Roundup! (CPC’s brand-new sister)


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Awesome Rachel!!!!!!!! You're quite the enabler.:wink Will there be a button that we can put on our blogs?


I'm not very good at making buttons! I do have a few, but the smallest aren't quite as small as the ones you usually use.




Thankfully, Donna (yarntomato) made me a nice one for CPC...I'm sorry CPR's isn't as nice.


Note: I DO NOT want Donna to make me another button...she's QUITE busy and not in the button making business anymore... I'm just apologizing for my own button making skills!

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Just an update:


I've had two designers report very good sales to me (they list their pattern(s) on CPR.)


Some haven't reported and one has mentioned sales (in general, in various places on the web) to be down overall.


I've been sent reports of new patterns in the works, including one I've received a sneak peek of. :D

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