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That knitpro graph site


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Several people in various threads have suggested this link http://www.microrevolt.org/knitPro/ for making a graph of your own submitted picture.


I have tried a million pictures, (ok, I exaggerate, :lol ), and all I keep getting is a blank white nothingness. :P Is anyone else having this problem? Or am I the only one this doesn't work for? :bang:thair


I see that on the page it says:


If you are having problems with knitPro try downloading the latest version of Acrobat.

If your file creates an all black or all white grid, your image is likely to have "indexed" color.

Please change the image to RGB and then use KnitPro.



Ok, what is Acrobat? Is it free? Or is it something I have to pay for? Is this what I am lacking? Is this the problem? Where do I get it? Is there a reliable link to a downloadable site for this which I will be safe to use?


What is an RGB image? Is this the problem? Is this what acrobat helps to change?


I can't say my file creates a white "grid" as there is not even a "grid" showing up. Just nothing. (Unless it's a white grid on a white background in which case I can't see it anyways, (not unlike the polar bear in a snowstorm eating marshmallows, :lol ). :snow


I appreciate everyone reading through all my ramblings. :loco

I am learning tunsanian (probably spelled wrong), as my New Year's resolution and I want to try and make a few simple graphs of my own.


Thanks :ty in advance to anyone who can help me out. (Oh, man, do I really need help! :help .....But that's another story! LOL! :lol ).

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I've never been to that site, but Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program that allows you to read certain files on your computer. Go to http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html and follow the instructions for the free download. You may find that you already have a version of this on your computer you may just need to update it.


I hope this helps.

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Oh! I got it to work!

After I upload the image, I right click over the "White, seemingly empty, space".

Then I click the pdf transformer option ( I already had ABBYY PDF transformer uploaded to my computer),and say I want it comverted to html.

Then it converts it and,.....tadaaaaaa! :yay


Thanks for your encouragement, gals, I would have given up on this for sure without your help! :) :) :)


Look out graph patterned world - here I come! :lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone been to this site recently?

They have improved the way in which you can size the graph chart you make with other options as well.


Also, they are having a "call out" for people who've made things from their graphs generated at this site.


I submitted an afghan pattern and photo of the afghan I had made just after my last post here.


I just got an e-mail yesterday saying that they have accepted it for their exhibit thay are going to hold at the Richard F. Brush Art Gallery in

Canton, New York from March - April.


Has anyone heard of this gallery? Is this a legitimate thing?

I'd hate to send off my afghan only to find out it was a scam?


Is anyone else going to do this?

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Hmmm, well, this looks like the perfect place to show my graph-ghan.

It is also very .....well, unusual. :lol

(It's in my blog).


Anyway, I sent an e-mail back to them agreeing to send it and have it shown March - April. I'm just waiting to hear back but it is the weekend.



If anyone lives at or near Canton, New York and can make it to the exhibition

I'd sure like to hear how it goes. I can't imagine all the different things people have made using the graph generator.

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